Title: Milestone 1 Slug: milestone-1 Date: 2022-02-23 Modified: 2022-02-23 Category: Tags: milestones Authors: kyle Summary: Describe a path to the first "deliverable." I'm going to identify milestones for this project. A milestone should provide an incremental, concrete step in the right direction. The end result will be an additional way to interact with the exocortex. For example, the first milestone is an HTTP interface for remotely adding URLs to the exocortex. ## Goal Build a web server that lets me stash URLs (links and PDFs, primarily) to an artifact store. ## How do I get there? I'll split this into three stages: first, developing the blob data structure and management. Then I'll add in support for artifacts. Finally, I can build out the APIs. Following the [functional spec](/specs/functional.html), this will start with a gRPC interface. I can build a web interface on top of this. The work is tracked under [M1](/milestones/m1.html).