program dump; { dump emulates the version of DUMP.COM that comes with some CP/M distributions. } {$I 'binary.pas'} {$I 'common.pas'} procedure DumpChunk( var src : BinFile; var dst : Text; var addr : Integer, var chunk : Byte); var buffer : array [1 .. 16] of Byte; begin Write(dst, WriteWord(addr)); Write(dst, ' '); end; procedure DumpFile(var src : BinFile; var dst : Text); var Address : Integer; Size : Integer; Buffer : array [1 .. 16] of Byte; Chunk : Byte; begin Address := 0; Size := FileSize(src); Chunk := IMin($10, Size); FillChar(Buffer, $10, $0); WriteLn('Chunk: ', Chunk); end; var inf : BinFile; begin Assign(inf, 'dump.bin'); Reset(inf); DumpFile(inf, Output); end.