## Chapter 1: Some basic syntax ``` property(name). proposition. /* rules */ head :- tail. ``` Example: ``` happy(yolanda). listens2Music(mia). listens2Music(yolanda):- happy(yolanda). playsAirGuitar(mia):- listens2Music(mia). playsAirGuitar(yolanda):- listens2Music(yolanda). ``` ### Rules Conditional fact: ``` /* source */ listensToMusic(X) :- happy(X). playsAirGuitar(X) :- listensToMusic(X). happy(a). /* interactive */ playsAirGuitar(a). /* true */ playsAirGuitar(b). /* false */ ``` ## KB5 ``` loves(vincent,mia). loves(marsellus,mia). loves(pumpkin,honey_bunny). loves(honey_bunny,pumpkin). jealous(X,Y):- loves(X,Z), loves(Y,Z). ``` Note that when you enter queries, sometimes it waits for you to enter something (so far seems like a semi-colon finishes a query). For example: ``` 2 ?- jealous(vincent, W). W = vincent ``` Output freezes there, waiting on input. Enter the semicolon: ``` 2 ?- jealous(vincent, W). W = vincent ; W = marsellus. ``` Replacing both atoms with variable: ``` 3 ?- jealous(A, B). A = B, B = vincent ; A = vincent, B = marsellus ; A = marsellus, B = vincent ; A = B, B = marsellus ; A = B, B = pumpkin ; A = B, B = honey_bunny. ``` This brings up something interesting: *jealous(A, A)* is always true: ``` 4 ?- jealous(A, A). A = vincent ; A = marsellus ; A = pumpkin ; A = honey_bunny. ``` Can we fix that in the definitions? ``` jealous(X,Y):- loves(X,Z), loves(Y,Z), X \= Y. ``` Now: ``` 9 ?- jealous(A, A). false. ``` Re-reading a previous section, seems that ';' means "or".