Exercise 2.4 1. Write statements to copy the array Next into the array Pascal. -- Question: is there a 'Length' function call? for I in 0 .. 10 loop Pascal(I) := Next(I); end loop; 2. Write a nested loop to compute all the rows of Pascal's triangle in the two-dimensional array Pascal2. for Row in 1 .. 10 loop Pascal2(Row, 0) := 1 for Col in 1 .. Row-1 loop Pascal2(Row, Col) := Pascal2(Row-1, Col-1) + Pascal2(Row-1, Col); end loop; Pascal2(Row, Row) = 1; end loop; 3. Declare a type Month_Name and then declare a type Date with components giving the day, month, and year. Then, declare a variable Today and assign Queen Victoria's date of birth to it (or your own). type Month_Name is range 1 .. 12; type Date is record Day: Integer; -- maybe restrict to maximum day? Month: Month_Name; Year: Integer; end record; Today: Date; Today := (Day => 14, Month_Name => 9, Year => 2019);