FORTH-83 STANDARD A PUBLICATION OF THE FORTH STANDARDS TEAM AUGUST 1983 FORTH-83 STANDARD COPYRIGHT c. 1983 FORTH STANDARDS TEAM Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this document in whole or in part provided that such reproductions refer to the fact that the copied material is subject to copyright by the FORTH Standards Team. No changes or modifications may be made to the copied material unless it is clearly indicated that such changes were not incorporated in the original copyrighted work. The existence of a FORTH Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether the individual has approved this Standard or not, from implementing, marketing, purchasing or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the Standard. FORTH Standards are subject to periodic review and users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions. ISBN 0-914699-03-2 FORTH STANDARDS TEAM P.O. BOX 4545 MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94040 USA ii FORTH-83 STANDARD TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. FOREWORD ............................................... 1 2. PURPOSE ................................................ 2 3. SCOPE .................................................. 2 4. TRADEOFFS .............................................. 3 5. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS ................................... 4 6. REFERENCES ............................................. 12 7. REQUIREMENTS ........................................... 13 8. COMPLIANCE AND LABELING ................................ 15 9. USAGE .................................................. 17 10. ERROR CONDITIONS ....................................... 20 11. GLOSSARY NOTATION ...................................... 22 12. REQUIRED WORD SET ...................................... 25 13. DOUBLE NUMBER EXTENSION WORD SET ....................... 41 14. ASSEMBLER EXTENSION WORD SET ........................... 44 15. SYSTEM EXTENSION WORD SET .............................. 46 16. CONTROLLED REFERENCE WORDS ............................. 48 APPENDICES A. FORTH STANDARDS TEAM MEMBERSHIP ................... 51 B. UNCONTROLLED REFERENCE WORDS ...................... 54 C. EXPERIMENTAL PROPOSALS ............................ 60 C.1 SEARCH ORDER SPECIFICATION AND CONTROL ....... 61 C.2 DEFINITION FIELD ADDRESS CONVERSION OPERATORS . 66 D. STANDARDS TEAM CHARTER ............................ 69 E. PROPOSAL/COMMENT FORM AND INSTRUCTIONS ............ 78 iii FORTH-83 STANDARD iv