D. CHARTER APPENDIX D. CHARTER of the FORTH STANDARDS TEAM 1. Purpose and Goals 1.1 Purpose 1.1.1 This Charter establishes and guides a voluntary membership professional organization, the FORTH Standards Team (hereafter referred to as the "FST") and provides a method for its operation. 1.2 Goals 1.2.1 The goal of the FST is the creation, maintenance, and proliferation of a standard (hereafter referred to as the "Standard") for the FORTH computer programming system and for application programs executed by a Standard system. The Standard shall specify requirements and constraints which such computer software must satisfy. 1.2.2 The team shall also develop a method of identification and labeling of FORTH implementations and programs which conform to the Standard. 1.3 Organization 1.3.1 The FST is a voluntary membership organization with no formal status as a legal entity. It operates by consensus of the professional and commercial FORTH community and conducts business by the professional discourse and agreement of its members. It is intended that this Charter be a guide to the operation of the FST subject to reasonable minor digression, rather than being a rigid document under which vested rights are granted. 74 D. CHARTER 2. METHODS 2.1 Formal Meetings 2.1.1 The FST shall hold periodic formal meetings for discussion and decisions concerning a current or future Standard. 2.1.2 There is not specified frequency for formal meetings. Each meeting shall be at such time and place as was decided at the prior meeting. If a meeting cannot be held as decided, the Chairperson may designate another time and place. 2.1.3 The Chairperson shall send a written notice at least sixty (60) days in advance of each formal meeting to each voting member. A longer notification period is recommended. It is anticipated that the continuing close coordination of the participants, the decision at the prior formal meeting, and publication of a meeting notice in FORTH Dimensions and other trade journals will provide sufficient notice to the FORTH community. 2.1.4 At a formal FST meeting, there shall be general sessions consisting of all attendees. General sessions are for matters that are ready for discussion and decision. All votes concerning the Standard, Charter, or FST procedures must take place during a general session. 2.1.5 Also at formal meetings, subteams will be established to examine groups of proposals and to prepare recommendations for a general session. All meeting attendees may participate in the work and voting of a subteam. Each subteam should elect from its members a coordinator to conduct its meetings and a reporter to record and report its recommendations. 2.1.6 The Chairperson may publish and distribute an agenda at or in advance of a formal meeting. As a guideline, each day of a formal meeting begins with a general session, followed by concurrent subteam meetings followed by another general session. 2.1.7 In view of the voluntary nature of the FST, at least one third of the membership is required to hold a formal meeting. Two thirds of the number of voting members present at the start of each day's first general session shall set the quorum for the remainder of that day. 75 D. CHARTER 2.1.8 Between formal meetings, the Chairperson may appoint such informal working groups as is appropriate. Each group may be given a goal and scope to direct its activities. Its conclusions or recommendations must be given to the Chairperson in written form. 2.2 Proposals and Comments 2.2.1 Prior to each formal meeting, the Chairperson may solicit submission of comments and proposals for changes, additions, or deletions to the then-current Standard, the draft Standard or this Charter. A cutoff date may be specified for the submission of such proposals. 2.2.2 A considerable amount of information must accompany each proposal to help FST members analyze the proposal. Therefore, submission of proposals and comments shall be according to the format and instructions shown in the "Proposal/Comment Form" included as an Appendix to this Standard. Any proposal not in the appropriate form or received after the cutoff date may not be considered unless the Chairperson deems it to be of sufficient significance. 2.2.3 Unsolicited proposals and comments by volunteers are acknowledged as valuable. Any individual or group may submit proposals and/or comments concerning the Standard or this Charter. These should be sent to the official address of the FST. Properly formatted proposals and comments are preferred. The author or a representative should plan to attend the next formal meeting to emphasize, support, and possibly modify the proposals. 2.2.4 Since the quantity of proposals and comments may exceed the number for which there is time to be voted upon, submission of a proposal does not automatically mean that it will be voted upon at the next formal FST meeting. The Chairperson or some members appointed by the Chairperson or elected by the voting members may screen and organize the received proposals and comments for voting upon at the next formal meeting. 2.2.5 To allow reflection and examination, proposals and comments shall be distributed to FST voting members and sponsors in advance of a formal meeting. Proposals and comments not distributed in advance, including proposals made during a formal meeting, may be considered at the discretion of the Chairperson. 76 D. CHARTER 2.3 Draft Standard After a formal meeting, the referees and officers of the FST shall prepare a draft Standard for review by the then- current FST voting members. The referees and officers shall consolidate proposals accepted by vote during the meeting, resolve any ambiguities or problems, and incorporate these changes with the text of the previous Standard or draft Standard. 2.4 Standard 2.4.1 The referees and officers may, by near unanimous decision (not more than one no vote), declare the draft Standard, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, as being the proposed Standard. 2.4.2 A proposed Standard shall be distributed to all FST voting members for a mail ballot. This ballot shall be based solely on the text of the proposed Standard as distributed. 2.4.3 Each ballot returned shall be signed by the voting member submitting it. An affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the voting members shall adopt the document. Such adoption makes the draft Standard the current, official FST Standard which supersedes all prior Standards. 2.5 Charter 2.5.1 At a formal FST meeting, the charter may be amended by a simple majority of voting members present provided that at least one third of all voting members are present; such amendments become effective at the end of the current formal meeting. 2.5.2 At other than a formal FST meeting, the charter may be amended by a simple majority of all voting members, such vote to be taken by signed mail ballots. 77 D. CHARTER 3. MEMBERSHIP 3.1 General Membership in the FST is a privilege, not a right. An invitation for voting membership may be extended to those who the FST feels can contribute to the goals of the Standard and the FST. There are several classes of participation in the efforts of the FST. Membership in each class has no specified term but continues from the time when membership is initiated to the conclusion of the next formal meeting. 3.2 Voting Members 3.2.1 Voting members are individuals who are elected into such membership at the concluding session of a formal FST meeting. Any voting member who resigns between formal meetings shall not be replaced until the membership elections at the conclusion of the next formal meeting. A newly elected voting member gains voting rights only after all voting members have been elected. A significant professional FORTH background is required of voting members. 3.2.2 Each voting member present at a formal meeting shall indicate in writing his or her desire to continue as a voting member. Only these voting members can vote in a general session of a formal meeting on any matters affecting the Standard or the Charter and on the election of all voting members. 3.2.3 Voting members are elected by a simple majority of those voting members present. The number of voting members shall be limited to thirty (30). Individuals eligible to be elected are selected from each of the following ordered categories in order, until the number of voting members reaches the limit. Category 1: current voting member who have actively participated in at least two days of a formal meeting. Voting members are expected to actively participate in subteam meetings and all general sessions. Category 2: current voting members who are not eligible by Category 1, but who have requested in writing that his or her voting membership be maintained. Category 3: eligible candidates. Eligible candidates will be presented to the voting members then elected as follows: 78 D. CHARTER If the number of eligible candidates does not exceed the number of openings for voting membership, each candidate is voted upon and accepted by a simple majority. If the number of eligible candidates does exceed the number of openings for voting membership, candidates will be voted upon by ballot whereby each voting member may vote for up to the number of openings remaining. Those candidates receiving the most votes will be elected until there are no more openings for voting membership. 3.3 Candidates 3.3.1 Candidates are individuals who desire to actively participate in and support the FST by becoming voting members. 3.3.2 To be eligible, each Candidate must: declare in writing to the secretary at the first general session of a formal FST meeting that he or she is a Candidate, actively participate in subteam meetings and all general sessions at a formal FST meeting, and have a significant professional background in FORTH. The Chairperson may request information or ask questions of any candidate to determine his or her technical knowledge and experience. Candidates are expected to submit proposals, participate in the discussions of the formal meeting, and contribute to the work and voting of subteams. 3.4 Observers 3.4.1 Observers are individuals who attend a formal meeting but are neither voting members nor candidates. At the discretion of the Chairperson, they may contribute to the discussion at general sessions and to the work of subteams. The number of observers allowed at a formal meeting may be limited by the Chairperson. 3.5 FST Sponsors 3.5.1 FST sponsors are individuals or organizations who contribute funds and other assistance to aid the work of the FST. FST sponsors have no duties or responsibilities in the FST, but they will receive copies of proposals and comments considered at a formal meeting, and drafts and adopted standards prepared as a result of that meeting. 79 D. CHARTER 3.5.3 FST sponsorship exists from the end of one formal meeting to the end of the next formal meeting. 3.5.3 Qualification of FST sponsors may be determined by a simple majority vote at a formal FST meeting. If no such qualification exist, the Chairperson may specify qualifications, including the amount of financial contributions, which will remain in effect until the next formal FST meeting. 4. OFFICERS 4.1 General There shall be four types of elected officers of the FST: the Chairperson, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and one or more Referees. Each officer shall be elected at a formal meeting of the FST and serve until the next formal meeting. 4.2 Vacancies If any office other than the Chairperson becomes vacant between formal meetings, the Chairperson may appoint a replacement. If the office of the Chairperson becomes vacant between formal meetings, a new Chairperson shall be elected by an informal majority vote of the remaining officers. At any formal meeting, any officer, including the Chairperson, may be replaced by a simple majority vote of the voting members present at that meeting. 4.3 Chairperson 4.3.1 The Chairperson is responsible for governing the general business of the FST. He or she is responsible for implementing the FST's Charter and any other requirements specified by the Standard. 4.3.2 The Chairperson's term of office shall be from the conclusion of the formal meeting at which he or she is elected to the conclusion of the next formal meeting. The election of a Chairperson is held at the concluding general session of a formal meeting after the election of voting members; hence, newly elected voting members may vote for the Chairperson. Only voting members are eligible to be elected Chairperson. 4.3.3 The Chairperson shall conduct each formal meeting. In general, the meetings will follow the current Robert's Rules of Order; however, the Chairperson may determine the specific rules for a formal meeting. 80 D. CHARTER 4.3.4 Any matter needing a decision between formal meetings not specified by this Charter shall be decided by the Chairperson. 4.3.5 The Chairperson has duties and responsibilities specified elsewhere in this Charter. 4.4 Secretary 4.4.1 The Secretary is responsible for recording the activities and results of the FST. 4.4.2 The Secretary is elected at the first general session of a formal meeting and serves until a Secretary is elected at the beginning of the next formal meeting. 4.4.3 The Secretary has many responsibilities. The Secretary is responsible for collecting, maintaining, and archiving the official copies of the Standard, the Charter, all other FST documents, correspondence, and lists of the FST members of each class. During a formal meeting, the Secretary is responsible for: (a) Keeping the minutes of the general sessions, including all votes taken. For votes affecting the Standard or Charter, he or she shall: record the number of voting members present, determine if a quorum is present, determine the number of affirmative votes required for the vote to pass, the number of voting members voting in the affirmative and negative, and the result of the vote. (b) Recording and verifying the attendance and membership class of each attendee. (c) Recording the recommendations of subteams. The Secretary is also responsible for collecting, archiving, and distributing proposals before a formal meeting. He or she is also responsible for incorporating proposals accepted during a formal meeting into the Standard or Charter. Other officers aid the Secretary in these duties. 4.5 Treasurer 4.5.1 The Treasurer is responsible for managing the financial business of the FST. He or she is responsible for maintaining accurate and current financial records and for accepting and dispersing funds for official FST activities. 81 D. CHARTER 4.5.2 The Treasurer's term of office shall be from the conclusion of the formal meeting at which he or she is elected to the conclusion of the next formal meeting. The election of a Treasurer is held just after the election of the Chairperson. Only voting members are eligible to be elected Treasurer. 4.6 Referees 4.6.1 At the conclusion of a formal meeting there may be additional technical work required to prepare a draft Standard or Charter. This work shall be performed by the officers of the FST, including a group of Referees. They should be individuals who have superior knowledge and experience in the implementation and use of FORTH. 4.6.2 At least three and no more than five Referees shall be elected by a majority of the voting members present at the concluding general sessions of a formal meeting. This takes place after the election of voting members. A Referee's term is from election at the end of one formal meeting until the end of the next formal meeting. Only voting members are eligible to be elected as Referees. 4.6.3 The Referees shall adopt methods and rules as they deem appropriate to complete their work; they may be informal. However, any matter committed to the Referees for resolution must achieve near unanimous agreement (not more than one no vote). Lacking that, the matter shall be omitted from further action pending further consideration at the next formal meeting. 5. EXPERIMENTAL PROPOSALS 5.1 General 5.1.1 Since FORTH is an extensible language and subject to evolution, the Standard may contain a section describing experimental proposal to aid in the analysis of and the decision for or against future adoption into the Standard. After the results of experimentation are known, each proposal will be considered, at a future formal meeting, for inclusion into the Standard. 5.1.2 An experimental proposal may be individual FORTH words, sets of related words, or specifications for part of the Standard. Experimental proposals may be derived from ordinary proposals or other contributions. 82 D. CHARTER 5.2 Required Information Each experimental proposal must contain the following minimum information: 5.2.1 A description of the proposal including an overview of its functions and its interactions with existing FORTH words. 5.2.2 A glossary entry of each word in the form and notation of the Standard. 5.2.3 A statement by the author(s) indicating why the proposal meets inclusion into the Standard. Both advantages and disadvantages should be discussed. 5.3 Suggested Information It is suggested that each experimental proposal also include: 5.3.1 A source definition for each word in the proposal. High level definitions using Standard words are preferred, but new primitive words may be defined in an assembly language of one commonly-known processor. Sufficient documentation should be provided so that implementation on other processors is direct. 5.3.2 An example showing usage of the new words. 6. VOTING 6.1 General Only voting members have the right to vote on proposals affecting the Standard, a draft Standard, or this Charter. 6.2 Advisory Votes At the discretion of the Chairperson, advisory votes may be requested at a formal meeting. At the discretion of the Chairperson, all attendees may participate in an advisory vote. 6.3 Method Any vote at a formal meeting may be by show of hands or, at the discretion of the Chairperson, by an informal secret paper ballot or a roll call. 83 D. CHARTER 6.4 Number A vote to adopt a proposal into the draft Standard or to change the Standard, except for the Experimental Proposals section of the Standard requires a two-thirds affirmative vote of the voting members present at a general session of a formal meeting, provided that the number of votes cast are at least two thirds of that morning's quorum count. To adopt an experimental proposal into the Experimental Proposals section of the draft Standard or to change this Charter, an affirmative vote of a simple majority is required. Accepting any other procedural matter at a formal meeting requires only a simple majority affirmative vote. 6.5 Proxies All votes must be cast by the particular voting member eligible to vote. No proxy voting is allowed. 84