10. ERROR CONDITIONS 10. ERROR CONDITIONS 10.1 Possible Actions on an Error When an error condition occurs, a Standard System may take one or more of the following actions: 1. ignore and continue; 2. display a message; 3. execute a particular word; 4. set interpret state and interpret a block; 5. set interpret state and begin interpretation; 6. other system dependent actions. See: "7.1 Documentation Requirements" 10.2 General Error Conditions The following error conditions apply in many situations. These error conditions are listed below, but may occur at various times and with various words. 1. input stream exhausted before encountering a required or delimiting character; 2. insufficient stack space or insufficient number of stack entries during text interpretation or compilation; 3. a word not found and not a valid number, during text interpretation or compilation; 4. compilation of incorrectly nested control structures; 5. execution of words restricted to compilation only, when not in the compile state and while not compiling a colon definition; 6. FORGETting within the system to a point that removes a word required for correct execution; 7. insufficient space remaining in the dictionary; 8. a stack parameter out of range, e.g., a negative number when a +n was specified in the glossary; 21 10. ERROR CONDITIONS 9. correct mass storage read or write was not possible. 22