14. ASSEMBLER EXTENSION WORD SET 14. ASSEMBLER EXTENSION WORD SET 14.1 The Assembler Extension Word Set Layers Nucleus layer none Device layer none Interpreter layer ASSEMBLER Compiler layer ;CODE CODE END-CODE 14.2 Assembler Extension Word Set Usage Because of the system dependent nature of machine language programming, a Standard Program cannot use CODE or ;CODE . 48 14. ASSEMBLER EXTENSION WORD SET 14.3 The Assembler Extension Word Set Glossary ;CODE -- C,I,79 "semi-colon- sys1 -- sys2 (compiling) code" Used in the form: : ... ... ;CODE ... END-CODE Stops compilation, terminates the defining word and executes ASSEMBLER. When is executed in the form: to define the new , the execution address of will contain the address of the code sequence following the ;CODE in . Execution of any will cause this machine code sequence to be executed. sys1 is balanced with its corresponding : . sys2 is balanced with its corresponding END-CODE . See: CODE DOES> ASSEMBLER -- 83 Execution replaces the first vocabulary in the search order with the ASSEMBLER vocabulary. See: VOCABULARY CODE -- sys M,83 A defining word executed in the form: CODE ... END-CODE Creates a dictionary entry for to be defined by a following sequence of assembly language words. Words thus defined are called code definitions. This newly created word definition for cannot be found in the dictionary until the corresponding END-CODE is successfully processed (see: END-CODE ). Executes ASSEMBLER . sys is balanced with its corresponding END-CODE . END-CODE sys -- 79 "end-code" Terminates a code definition and allows the of the corresponding code definition to be found in the dictionary. sys is balanced with its corresponding CODE or ;CODE . See: CODE 49