checking UNCONTROLLED REFERENCE WORDS ( No recommendation is made that these words be included in a system. ) ( No restrictions are placed on the definition or usage of ) ( uncontrolled words. However, use of these names for procedures ) ( differing from the given definitions is discouraged. ) checks: !BITS ** +BLOCK -' -MATCH -TEXT /LOOP 1+! 1-! ;: ;S checks: <> < >MOVE< @BITS AGAIN ASCII ASHIFT B/BUF checks: BELL CHAIN CONTINUED CUR DBLOCK DPL FLD H. I' checks: IFEND IFTRUE INDEX LAST LINE LINELOAD LOADS MAP0 checks: MASK MOVE MS NAND NOR NUMBER O. OTHERWISE PAGE READ-MAP checks: REMEMBER REWIND ROTATE S0 SET SHIFT TEXT USER WORDS checks: \LOOP