/* Hamshield * Example: AFSK Packet Tester * This example sends AFSK test data. You will need a seperate * AFSK receiver to test the output of this example. * Connect the HamShield to your Arduino. Screw the antenna * into the HamShield RF jack. Connect the Arduino to wall * power and then to your computer via USB. After uploading * this program to your Arduino, open the Serial Monitor to * monitor the process of the HamShield. Check for output on * AFSK receiver. * Note: add message receive code */ #define DDS_REFCLK_DEFAULT 9600 #include <HamShield.h> #include <DDS.h> #include <packet.h> #include <avr/wdt.h> #define PWM_PIN 3 #define RESET_PIN A3 #define SWITCH_PIN 2 HamShield radio; DDS dds; AFSK afsk; String messagebuff = ""; String origin_call = ""; String destination_call = ""; String textmessage = ""; int msgptr = 0; void setup() { // NOTE: if not using PWM out, it should be held low to avoid tx noise pinMode(PWM_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PWM_PIN, LOW); // prep the switch pinMode(SWITCH_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // set up the reset control pin pinMode(RESET_PIN, OUTPUT); // turn on pwr to the radio digitalWrite(RESET_PIN, HIGH); Serial.begin(9600); radio.initialize(); radio.frequency(144390); radio.setRfPower(0); dds.start(); afsk.start(&dds); delay(100); Serial.println("HELLO"); } void loop() { messagebuff = "KC7IBT,KC7IBT,:HAMSHIELD TEST"; prepMessage(); delay(10000); } void prepMessage() { radio.setModeTransmit(); delay(500); origin_call = messagebuff.substring(0,messagebuff.indexOf(',')); // get originating callsign destination_call = messagebuff.substring(messagebuff.indexOf(',')+1,messagebuff.indexOf(',',messagebuff.indexOf(',')+1)); // get the destination call textmessage = messagebuff.substring(messagebuff.indexOf(":")+1); Serial.print("From: "); Serial.print(origin_call); Serial.print(" To: "); Serial.println(destination_call); Serial.println("Text: "); Serial.println(textmessage); AFSK::Packet *packet = AFSK::PacketBuffer::makePacket(22 + 32); packet->start(); packet->appendCallsign(origin_call.c_str(),0); packet->appendCallsign(destination_call.c_str(),15,true); packet->appendFCS(0x03); packet->appendFCS(0xf0); packet->print(textmessage); packet->finish(); bool ret = afsk.putTXPacket(packet); if(afsk.txReady()) { Serial.println(F("txReady")); radio.setModeTransmit(); //delay(100); if(afsk.txStart()) { Serial.println(F("txStart")); } else { radio.setModeReceive(); } } // Wait 2 seconds before we send our beacon again. Serial.println("tick"); // Wait up to 2.5 seconds to finish sending, and stop transmitter. // TODO: This is hackery. for(int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { if(afsk.encoder.isDone()) break; delay(50); } Serial.println("Done sending"); radio.setModeReceive(); } ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) { TIFR2 = _BV(TOV2); static uint8_t tcnt = 0; if(++tcnt == 8) { dds.clockTick(); tcnt = 0; } } ISR(ADC_vect) { static uint8_t tcnt = 0; TIFR1 = _BV(ICF1); // Clear the timer flag dds.clockTick(); if(++tcnt == 1) { if(afsk.encoder.isSending()) { afsk.timer(); } tcnt = 0; } }