#include #include "varicode.h" DDS dds; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(11, OUTPUT); pinMode(3, OUTPUT); pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // put your setup code here, to run once: dds.setReferenceClock(32000); dds.start(); dds.setFrequency(1000); dds.on(); } volatile bool sent = true; volatile uint16_t bitsToSend = 0; volatile uint8_t zeroCount = 0; void sendChar(uint8_t c) { uint16_t bits = varicode[c]; while((bits&0x8000)==0) { bits<<=1; } while(!sent) {} //delay(32); cli(); sent = false; bitsToSend = bits; sei(); while(!sent) {} //delay(32); //PORTD &= ~_BV(2); // Diagnostic pin (D2) } char *string = "Why hello there, friend. Nice to meet you. Welcome to PSK31. 73, VE6SLP sk\r\n"; void loop() { int i; // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: //for(i = 0; i<5; i++) // sendChar(0); // return; for(i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++) { sendChar(string[i]); //Serial.println(string[i]); } } const uint8_t amplitudeShape[41] = { 255, 241, 228, 215, 203, 191, 181, 171, 161, 152, 143, 135, 128, 121, 114, 107, 101, 96, 90, 85, 80, 76, 72, 68, 64, 60, 57, 54, 51, 48, 45, 42, 40, 38, 36, 34, 32, 30, 28, 27, 25 }; // This will trigger at 8kHz ISR(ADC_vect) { static uint8_t outer = 0; static uint8_t tcnt = 0; TIFR1 |= _BV(ICF1); // Wave shaping // TODO: Improve how this would perform. //else if(tcnt > (255-64)) // dds.setAmplitude((255 - tcnt)); //else dds.setAmplitude(255); if(tcnt < 81) dds.setAmplitude(amplitudeShape[(81-tcnt)/2]); if(tcnt > (255-81)) dds.setAmplitude(amplitudeShape[(tcnt-174)/2]); dds.clockTick(); PORTD &= ~_BV(2); if(outer++ == 3) { outer = 0; } else { return; } if(tcnt++ == 0) { // Next bit //PORTD ^= _BV(2); // Diagnostic pin (D2) if(!sent) { if((bitsToSend & 0x8000) == 0) { zeroCount++; dds.changePhaseDeg(+180); } else { zeroCount = 0; } bitsToSend<<=1; if(zeroCount == 2) { sent = true; } } else { // Idle on zeroes dds.changePhaseDeg(+180); } } PORTD &= ~_BV(2); }