/* Hamshield * Example: Gauges * This example prints Signal, Audio In, and Audio Rx ADC * Peak strength to the Serial Monitor in a graphical manner. * Connect the HamShield to your Arduino. Screw the antenna * into the HamShield RF jack. Plug a pair of headphones into * the HamShield. Connect the Arduino to wall power and then * to your computer via USB. After uploading this program to * your Arduino, open the Serial Monitor. You will see a * repeating display of different signal strengths. Ex: * * [....|....] -73 * Signal * * Uncheck the "Autoscroll" box at the bottom of the Serial * Monitor to manually control the view of the Serial Monitor. */ #include <HamShield.h> #define PWM_PIN 3 #define RESET_PIN A3 #define SWITCH_PIN 2 HamShield radio; void setup() { // NOTE: if not using PWM out, it should be held low to avoid tx noise pinMode(PWM_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PWM_PIN, LOW); // prep the switch pinMode(SWITCH_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // set up the reset control pin pinMode(RESET_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(RESET_PIN, HIGH); analogReference(DEFAULT); Serial.begin(9600); Serial.print("Radio status: "); int result = radio.testConnection(); Serial.println(result,DEC); radio.initialize(); radio.frequency(446000); radio.setModeReceive(); Serial.println("Entering gauges..."); tone(9,1000); delay(2000); } int gauge; int x = 0; int y = 0; int peak = 0; int a = 0; int mini = 0; int vpeak = 0; int txc = 0; int mode = 0; void loop() { int16_t rssi = radio.readRSSI(); gauge = map(rssi,-123,-50,0,8); Serial.print("["); for(x = 0; x < gauge; x++) { Serial.print("."); } Serial.print("|"); for(y = x; y < 8; y++) { Serial.print("."); } Serial.print("] "); Serial.print(rssi); Serial.println(" "); Serial.println("Signal \n"); // radio.setModeTransmit(); int16_t vssi = radio.readVSSI(); // radio.setModeReceive(); if(vssi > vpeak) { vpeak = vssi; } gauge = map(vssi,-50,-150,0,8); Serial.print("["); for(x = 0; x < gauge; x++) { Serial.print("."); } Serial.print("|"); for(y = x; y < 8; y++) { Serial.print("."); } Serial.print("] "); Serial.print(vpeak); Serial.println(" "); Serial.println("Audio In\n"); a = analogRead(0); if(a > peak) { peak = a; } if(a < mini) { mini = a; } gauge = map(a,400,1023,0,8); Serial.print("["); for(x = 0; x < gauge; x++) { Serial.print("."); } Serial.print("|"); for(y = x; y < 8; y++) { Serial.print("."); } Serial.print("] "); Serial.print(a,DEC); Serial.print(" ("); Serial.print(peak,DEC); Serial.println(") "); Serial.println("Audio RX ADC Peak\n"); }