updating examples
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
/* Hamshield
* Example: PSK31Transmit
* This is a simple example to demonstrate HamShield PSK31
* transmit functionality.
* Connect the HamShield to your Arduino. Screw the antenna
* into the HamShield RF jack. Connect the Arduino to wall
* power and then to your computer via USB. After uploading
* this program to your Arduino, tune a PSK31 receiver and
* wait to receive the message "Why hello there, friend.
* Nice to meet you. Welcome to PSK31. 73, VE6SLP sk"
#include <HamShield.h>
#include <DDS.h>
#include "varicode.h"
#define PWM_PIN 3
#define RESET_PIN A3
#define SWITCH_PIN 2
DDS dds;
void setup() {
// NOTE: if not using PWM out, it should be held low to avoid tx noise
digitalWrite(PWM_PIN, LOW);
// prep the switch
// set up the reset control pin
digitalWrite(RESET_PIN, HIGH);
delay(5); // wait for device to come up
// put your setup code here, to run once:
volatile bool sent = true;
volatile uint16_t bitsToSend = 0;
volatile uint8_t zeroCount = 0;
void sendChar(uint8_t c) {
uint16_t bits = varicode[c];
while((bits&0x8000)==0) {
while(!sent) {} //delay(32);
sent = false;
bitsToSend = bits;
while(!sent) {} //delay(32);
//PORTD &= ~_BV(2); // Diagnostic pin (D2)
char *string = "Why hello there, friend. Nice to meet you. Welcome to PSK31. 73, VE6SLP sk\r\n";
void loop() {
int i;
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
//for(i = 0; i<5; i++)
// sendChar(0);
// return;
for(i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++) {
const uint8_t amplitudeShape[41] = {
255, 241, 228, 215, 203, 191, 181, 171, 161, 152, 143, 135, 128, 121, 114, 107, 101, 96, 90, 85, 80, 76, 72, 68, 64, 60, 57, 54, 51, 48, 45, 42, 40, 38, 36, 34, 32, 30, 28, 27, 25
// This will trigger at 8kHz
ISR(ADC_vect) {
static uint8_t outer = 0;
static uint8_t tcnt = 0;
TIFR1 |= _BV(ICF1);
// Wave shaping
// TODO: Improve how this would perform.
//else if(tcnt > (255-64))
// dds.setAmplitude((255 - tcnt));
//else dds.setAmplitude(255);
if(tcnt < 81)
if(tcnt > (255-81))
//PORTD &= ~_BV(2);
if(outer++ == 3) {
outer = 0;
} else {
if(tcnt++ == 0) { // Next bit
//PORTD ^= _BV(2); // Diagnostic pin (D2)
if(!sent) {
if((bitsToSend & 0x8000) == 0) {
} else {
zeroCount = 0;
if(zeroCount == 2) {
sent = true;
} else {
// Idle on zeroes
//PORTD &= ~_BV(2);
@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
const uint16_t varicode[] = {
0xAAC0, // ASCII = 0 1010101011
0xB6C0, // ASCII = 1 1011011011
0xBB40, // ASCII = 2 1011101101
0xDDC0, // ASCII = 3 1101110111
0xBAC0, // ASCII = 4 1011101011
0xD7C0, // ASCII = 5 1101011111
0xBBC0, // ASCII = 6 1011101111
0xBF40, // ASCII = 7 1011111101
0xBFC0, // ASCII = 8 1011111111
0xEF00, // ASCII = 9 11101111
0xE800, // ASCII = 10 11101
0xDBC0, // ASCII = 11 1101101111
0xB740, // ASCII = 12 1011011101
0xF800, // ASCII = 13 11111
0xDD40, // ASCII = 14 1101110101
0xEAC0, // ASCII = 15 1110101011
0xBDC0, // ASCII = 16 1011110111
0xBD40, // ASCII = 17 1011110101
0xEB40, // ASCII = 18 1110101101
0xEBC0, // ASCII = 19 1110101111
0xD6C0, // ASCII = 20 1101011011
0xDAC0, // ASCII = 21 1101101011
0xDB40, // ASCII = 22 1101101101
0xD5C0, // ASCII = 23 1101010111
0xDEC0, // ASCII = 24 1101111011
0xDF40, // ASCII = 25 1101111101
0xEDC0, // ASCII = 26 1110110111
0xD540, // ASCII = 27 1101010101
0xD740, // ASCII = 28 1101011101
0xEEC0, // ASCII = 29 1110111011
0xBEC0, // ASCII = 30 1011111011
0xDFC0, // ASCII = 31 1101111111
0x8000, // ASCII = ' ' 1
0xFF80, // ASCII = '!' 111111111
0xAF80, // ASCII = '"' 101011111
0xFA80, // ASCII = '#' 111110101
0xED80, // ASCII = '$' 111011011
0xB540, // ASCII = '%' 1011010101
0xAEC0, // ASCII = '&' 1010111011
0xBF80, // ASCII = ''' 101111111
0xFB00, // ASCII = '(' 11111011
0xF700, // ASCII = ')' 11110111
0xB780, // ASCII = '*' 101101111
0xEF80, // ASCII = '+' 111011111
0xEA00, // ASCII = ',' 1110101
0xD400, // ASCII = '-' 110101
0xAE00, // ASCII = '.' 1010111
0xD780, // ASCII = '/' 110101111
0xB700, // ASCII = '0' 10110111
0xBD00, // ASCII = '1' 10111101
0xED00, // ASCII = '2' 11101101
0xFF00, // ASCII = '3' 11111111
0xBB80, // ASCII = '4' 101110111
0xAD80, // ASCII = '5' 101011011
0xB580, // ASCII = '6' 101101011
0xD680, // ASCII = '7' 110101101
0xD580, // ASCII = '8' 110101011
0xDB80, // ASCII = '9' 110110111
0xF500, // ASCII = ':' 11110101
0xDE80, // ASCII = ';' 110111101
0xF680, // ASCII = '<' 111101101
0xAA00, // ASCII = '=' 1010101
0xEB80, // ASCII = '>' 111010111
0xABC0, // ASCII = '?' 1010101111
0xAF40, // ASCII = '@' 1010111101
0xFA00, // ASCII = 'A' 1111101
0xEB00, // ASCII = 'B' 11101011
0xAD00, // ASCII = 'C' 10101101
0xB500, // ASCII = 'D' 10110101
0xEE00, // ASCII = 'E' 1110111
0xDB00, // ASCII = 'F' 11011011
0xFD00, // ASCII = 'G' 11111101
0xAA80, // ASCII = 'H' 101010101
0xFE00, // ASCII = 'I' 1111111
0xFE80, // ASCII = 'J' 111111101
0xBE80, // ASCII = 'K' 101111101
0xD700, // ASCII = 'L' 11010111
0xBB00, // ASCII = 'M' 10111011
0xDD00, // ASCII = 'N' 11011101
0xAB00, // ASCII = 'O' 10101011
0xD500, // ASCII = 'P' 11010101
0xEE80, // ASCII = 'Q' 111011101
0xAF00, // ASCII = 'R' 10101111
0xDE00, // ASCII = 'S' 1101111
0xDA00, // ASCII = 'T' 1101101
0xAB80, // ASCII = 'U' 101010111
0xDA80, // ASCII = 'V' 110110101
0xAE80, // ASCII = 'W' 101011101
0xBA80, // ASCII = 'X' 101110101
0xBD80, // ASCII = 'Y' 101111011
0xAB40, // ASCII = 'Z' 1010101101
0xFB80, // ASCII = '[' 1111101110
0xF780, // ASCII = '\' 111101111
0xFD80, // ASCII = ']' 111111011
0xAFC0, // ASCII = '^' 1010111111
0xB680, // ASCII = '_' 101101101
0xB7C0, // ASCII = '`' 1011011111
0xB000, // ASCII = 'a' 1011
0xBE00, // ASCII = 'b' 1011111
0xBC00, // ASCII = 'c' 101111
0xB400, // ASCII = 'd' 101101
0xC000, // ASCII = 'e' 11
0xF400, // ASCII = 'f' 111101
0xB600, // ASCII = 'g' 1011011
0xAC00, // ASCII = 'h' 101011
0xD000, // ASCII = 'i' 1101
0xF580, // ASCII = 'j' 111101011
0xBF00, // ASCII = 'k' 10111111
0xD800, // ASCII = 'l' 11011
0xEC00, // ASCII = 'm' 111011
0xF000, // ASCII = 'n' 1111
0xE000, // ASCII = 'o' 111
0xFC00, // ASCII = 'p' 111111
0xDF80, // ASCII = 'q' 110111111
0xA800, // ASCII = 'r' 10101
0xB800, // ASCII = 's' 10111
0xA000, // ASCII = 't' 101
0xDC00, // ASCII = 'u' 110111
0xF600, // ASCII = 'v' 1111011
0xD600, // ASCII = 'w' 1101011
0xDF00, // ASCII = 'x' 11011111
0xBA00, // ASCII = 'y' 1011101
0xEA80, // ASCII = 'z' 111010101
0xADC0, // ASCII = '{' 1010110111
0xDD80, // ASCII = '|' 110111011
0xAD40, // ASCII = '}' 1010110101
0xB5C0, // ASCII = '~' 1011010111
0xED40 // ASCII = 127 1110110101
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
/* Hamshield
* Example: QPSK63Transmit
* This is a simple example to demonstrate HamShield QPSK63
* transmit functionality.
* Connect the HamShield to your Arduino. Screw the antenna
* into the HamShield RF jack. Connect the Arduino to wall
* power and then to your computer via USB. After uploading
* this program to your Arduino, tune a QPSK63 receiver and
* wait to receive the message "Why hello there, friend.
* Nice to meet you. Welcome to QPSK63. 73, VE6SLP sk"
#include <HamShield.h>
#include <DDS.h>
#include "varicode.h"
#define PWM_PIN 3
#define RESET_PIN A3
#define SWITCH_PIN 2
DDS dds;
void setup() {
// NOTE: if not using PWM out, it should be held low to avoid tx noise
digitalWrite(PWM_PIN, LOW);
// prep the switch
// set up the reset control pin
digitalWrite(RESET_PIN, LOW);
// put your setup code here, to run once:
volatile bool sent = true;
volatile uint16_t bitsToSend = 0;
volatile uint8_t zeroCount = 0;
void sendChar(uint8_t c) {
uint16_t bits = varicode[c];
while((bits&0x8000)==0) {
while(!sent) {} //delay(32);
sent = false;
bitsToSend = bits;
while(!sent) {} //delay(32);
//PORTD &= ~_BV(2); // Diagnostic pin (D2)
char *string = "Why hello there, friend. Nice to meet you. Welcome to QPSK63. 73, VE6SLP sk\r\n";
void loop() {
int i;
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
//for(i = 0; i<5; i++)
// sendChar(0);
// return;
for(i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++) {
const uint8_t amplitudeShape[41] = {
255, 241, 228, 215, 203, 191, 181, 171, 161, 152, 143, 135, 128, 121, 114, 107, 101, 96, 90, 85, 80, 76, 72, 68, 64, 60, 57, 54, 51, 48, 45, 42, 40, 38, 36, 34, 32, 30, 28, 27, 25
// This will trigger at 8kHz
const uint16_t qpskConvolution[32] = {
180, 90, -90, 0, -90, 0, 180, 90,
0, -90, 90, 180, 90, 180, 0, -90,
90, 180, 0, -90, 0, -90, 90, 180,
-90, 0, 180, 90, 180, 90, -90, 0
uint8_t last5Bits = 0b00000;
ISR(ADC_vect) {
static uint8_t outer = 0;
static uint8_t tcnt = 0;
TIFR1 |= _BV(ICF1);
// Wave shaping
// TODO: Improve how this would perform.
if(tcnt < 81)
if(tcnt > (255-81))
if(outer++ == 1) {
outer = 0;
} else {
if(tcnt++ == 0) { // Next bit
last5Bits <<= 1;
if(!sent) {
if((bitsToSend & 0x8000) == 0) {
} else {
zeroCount = 0;
last5Bits |= 1;
if(zeroCount == 2) {
sent = true;
} else {
// Idle on zeroes
@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
const uint16_t varicode[] = {
0xAAC0, // ASCII = 0 1010101011
0xB6C0, // ASCII = 1 1011011011
0xBB40, // ASCII = 2 1011101101
0xDDC0, // ASCII = 3 1101110111
0xBAC0, // ASCII = 4 1011101011
0xD7C0, // ASCII = 5 1101011111
0xBBC0, // ASCII = 6 1011101111
0xBF40, // ASCII = 7 1011111101
0xBFC0, // ASCII = 8 1011111111
0xEF00, // ASCII = 9 11101111
0xE800, // ASCII = 10 11101
0xDBC0, // ASCII = 11 1101101111
0xB740, // ASCII = 12 1011011101
0xF800, // ASCII = 13 11111
0xDD40, // ASCII = 14 1101110101
0xEAC0, // ASCII = 15 1110101011
0xBDC0, // ASCII = 16 1011110111
0xBD40, // ASCII = 17 1011110101
0xEB40, // ASCII = 18 1110101101
0xEBC0, // ASCII = 19 1110101111
0xD6C0, // ASCII = 20 1101011011
0xDAC0, // ASCII = 21 1101101011
0xDB40, // ASCII = 22 1101101101
0xD5C0, // ASCII = 23 1101010111
0xDEC0, // ASCII = 24 1101111011
0xDF40, // ASCII = 25 1101111101
0xEDC0, // ASCII = 26 1110110111
0xD540, // ASCII = 27 1101010101
0xD740, // ASCII = 28 1101011101
0xEEC0, // ASCII = 29 1110111011
0xBEC0, // ASCII = 30 1011111011
0xDFC0, // ASCII = 31 1101111111
0x8000, // ASCII = ' ' 1
0xFF80, // ASCII = '!' 111111111
0xAF80, // ASCII = '"' 101011111
0xFA80, // ASCII = '#' 111110101
0xED80, // ASCII = '$' 111011011
0xB540, // ASCII = '%' 1011010101
0xAEC0, // ASCII = '&' 1010111011
0xBF80, // ASCII = ''' 101111111
0xFB00, // ASCII = '(' 11111011
0xF700, // ASCII = ')' 11110111
0xB780, // ASCII = '*' 101101111
0xEF80, // ASCII = '+' 111011111
0xEA00, // ASCII = ',' 1110101
0xD400, // ASCII = '-' 110101
0xAE00, // ASCII = '.' 1010111
0xD780, // ASCII = '/' 110101111
0xB700, // ASCII = '0' 10110111
0xBD00, // ASCII = '1' 10111101
0xED00, // ASCII = '2' 11101101
0xFF00, // ASCII = '3' 11111111
0xBB80, // ASCII = '4' 101110111
0xAD80, // ASCII = '5' 101011011
0xB580, // ASCII = '6' 101101011
0xD680, // ASCII = '7' 110101101
0xD580, // ASCII = '8' 110101011
0xDB80, // ASCII = '9' 110110111
0xF500, // ASCII = ':' 11110101
0xDE80, // ASCII = ';' 110111101
0xF680, // ASCII = '<' 111101101
0xAA00, // ASCII = '=' 1010101
0xEB80, // ASCII = '>' 111010111
0xABC0, // ASCII = '?' 1010101111
0xAF40, // ASCII = '@' 1010111101
0xFA00, // ASCII = 'A' 1111101
0xEB00, // ASCII = 'B' 11101011
0xAD00, // ASCII = 'C' 10101101
0xB500, // ASCII = 'D' 10110101
0xEE00, // ASCII = 'E' 1110111
0xDB00, // ASCII = 'F' 11011011
0xFD00, // ASCII = 'G' 11111101
0xAA80, // ASCII = 'H' 101010101
0xFE00, // ASCII = 'I' 1111111
0xFE80, // ASCII = 'J' 111111101
0xBE80, // ASCII = 'K' 101111101
0xD700, // ASCII = 'L' 11010111
0xBB00, // ASCII = 'M' 10111011
0xDD00, // ASCII = 'N' 11011101
0xAB00, // ASCII = 'O' 10101011
0xD500, // ASCII = 'P' 11010101
0xEE80, // ASCII = 'Q' 111011101
0xAF00, // ASCII = 'R' 10101111
0xDE00, // ASCII = 'S' 1101111
0xDA00, // ASCII = 'T' 1101101
0xAB80, // ASCII = 'U' 101010111
0xDA80, // ASCII = 'V' 110110101
0xAE80, // ASCII = 'W' 101011101
0xBA80, // ASCII = 'X' 101110101
0xBD80, // ASCII = 'Y' 101111011
0xAB40, // ASCII = 'Z' 1010101101
0xFB80, // ASCII = '[' 1111101110
0xF780, // ASCII = '\' 111101111
0xFD80, // ASCII = ']' 111111011
0xAFC0, // ASCII = '^' 1010111111
0xB680, // ASCII = '_' 101101101
0xB7C0, // ASCII = '`' 1011011111
0xB000, // ASCII = 'a' 1011
0xBE00, // ASCII = 'b' 1011111
0xBC00, // ASCII = 'c' 101111
0xB400, // ASCII = 'd' 101101
0xC000, // ASCII = 'e' 11
0xF400, // ASCII = 'f' 111101
0xB600, // ASCII = 'g' 1011011
0xAC00, // ASCII = 'h' 101011
0xD000, // ASCII = 'i' 1101
0xF580, // ASCII = 'j' 111101011
0xBF00, // ASCII = 'k' 10111111
0xD800, // ASCII = 'l' 11011
0xEC00, // ASCII = 'm' 111011
0xF000, // ASCII = 'n' 1111
0xE000, // ASCII = 'o' 111
0xFC00, // ASCII = 'p' 111111
0xDF80, // ASCII = 'q' 110111111
0xA800, // ASCII = 'r' 10101
0xB800, // ASCII = 's' 10111
0xA000, // ASCII = 't' 101
0xDC00, // ASCII = 'u' 110111
0xF600, // ASCII = 'v' 1111011
0xD600, // ASCII = 'w' 1101011
0xDF00, // ASCII = 'x' 11011111
0xBA00, // ASCII = 'y' 1011101
0xEA80, // ASCII = 'z' 111010101
0xADC0, // ASCII = '{' 1010110111
0xDD80, // ASCII = '|' 110111011
0xAD40, // ASCII = '}' 1010110101
0xB5C0, // ASCII = '~' 1011010111
0xED40 // ASCII = 127 1110110101
@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ void setup() {
@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Reference in New Issue