Update Morse routines to use compressed binary table. Some reformatting was a side effect.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Olesen 2015-06-30 14:52:42 -06:00
parent 8fb40c3716
commit 89d7227f2a
2 changed files with 326 additions and 234 deletions

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
/* don't change this regulatory value, use dangerMode() and safeMode() instead */
bool restrictions = true;
bool restrictions = true;
/* channel lookup tables */
@ -23,10 +23,82 @@ uint32_t MURS[] = {0,151820,151880,151940,154570,154600};
uint32_t WX[] = {0,162550,162400,162475,162425,162450,162500,162525};
/* morse code lookup table */
const char *ascii = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.,?'!/()&:;=+-_\"$@",
*itu[] = { ".-","-...","-.-.","-..",".","..-.","--.","....","..",".---","-.-",".-..","--","-.","---",".--.","--.-",".-.","...","-","..-","...-",".--","-..-","-.--","--..","-----",".----","..---","...--","....-",".....","-....","--...","---..","----.",".-.-.-","--..--","..--..",".----.","-.-.--","-..-.","-.--.","-.--.-",".-...","---...","-.-.-.","-...-",".-.-.","-....-","..--.-",".-..-.","...-..-",".--.-."
// This is the Morse table in reverse binary format.
// It will occupy 108 bytes of memory (or program memory if defined)
const struct asciiMorse {
char ascii;
uint8_t itu;
} asciiMorse[MORSE_TABLE_LENGTH] = {
{ 'E', 0b00000010 }, // .
{ 'T', 0b00000011 }, // -
{ 'I', 0b00000100 }, // ..
{ 'N', 0b00000101 }, // -.
{ 'A', 0b00000110 }, // .-
{ 'M', 0b00000111 }, // --
{ 'S', 0b00001000 }, // ...
{ 'D', 0b00001001 }, // -..
{ 'R', 0b00001010 }, // .-.
{ 'G', 0b00001011 }, // --.
{ 'U', 0b00001100 }, // ..-
{ 'K', 0b00001101 }, // -.-
{ 'W', 0b00001110 }, // .--
{ 'O', 0b00001111 }, // ---
{ 'H', 0b00010000 }, // ....
{ 'B', 0b00010001 }, // -...
{ 'L', 0b00010010 }, // .-..
{ 'Z', 0b00010011 }, // --..
{ 'F', 0b00010100 }, // ..-.
{ 'C', 0b00010101 }, // -.-.
{ 'P', 0b00010110 }, // .--.
{ 'V', 0b00011000 }, // ...-
{ 'X', 0b00011001 }, // -..-
{ 'Q', 0b00011011 }, // --.-
{ 'Y', 0b00011101 }, // -.--
{ 'J', 0b00011110 }, // .---
{ '5', 0b00100000 }, // .....
{ '6', 0b00100001 }, // -....
{ '&', 0b00100010 }, // .-...
{ '7', 0b00100011 }, // --...
{ '8', 0b00100111 }, // ---..
{ '/', 0b00101001 }, // -..-.
{ '+', 0b00101010 }, // .-.-.
{ '(', 0b00101101 }, // -.--.
{ '9', 0b00101111 }, // ----.
{ '4', 0b00110000 }, // ....-
{ '=', 0b00110001 }, // -...-
{ '3', 0b00111000 }, // ...--
{ '2', 0b00111100 }, // ..---
{ '1', 0b00111110 }, // .----
{ '0', 0b00111111 }, // -----
{ ':', 0b01000111 }, // ---...
{ '?', 0b01001100 }, // ..--..
{ '"', 0b01010010 }, // .-..-.
{ ';', 0b01010101 }, // -.-.-.
{ '@', 0b01010110 }, // .--.-.
{ '\047', 0b01011110 }, // (') .----.
{ '-', 0b01100001 }, // -....-
{ '.', 0b01101010 }, // .-.-.-
{ '_', 0b01101100 }, // ..--.-
{ ')', 0b01101101 }, // -.--.-
{ ',', 0b01110011 }, // --..--
{ '!', 0b01110101 }, // -.-.--
{ '$', 0b11001000 } // ...-..-
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
// This is a program memory variant, using 16 bit words for storage instead.
const uint16_t asciiMorseProgmem[] PROGMEM = {
0x4502, 0x5403, 0x4904, 0x4E05, 0x4106, 0x4D07, 0x5308, 0x4409, 0x520A,
0x470B, 0x550C, 0x4B0D, 0x570E, 0x4F0F, 0x4810, 0x4211, 0x4C12, 0x5A13,
0x4614, 0x4315, 0x5016, 0x5618, 0x5819, 0x511B, 0x591D, 0x4A1E, 0x3520,
0x3621, 0x2622, 0x3723, 0x3827, 0x2F29, 0x2B2A, 0x282D, 0x392F, 0x3430,
0x3D31, 0x3338, 0x323C, 0x313E, 0x303F, 0x3A47, 0x3F4C, 0x2252, 0x3B55,
0x4056, 0x275E, 0x2D61, 0x2E6A, 0x5F6C, 0x296D, 0x2C73, 0x2175, 0x24C8
/* 2200 Hz */
@ -34,7 +106,7 @@ const unsigned char AFSK_mark[] PROGMEM = { 154, 249, 91, 11, 205, 216, 25, 68,
/* 1200 Hz */
const unsigned char AFSK_space[] PROGMEM = { 140, 228, 250, 166, 53, 0, 53, 166, 249, 230, 128, 24, 7, 88, 203, 255, 203, 88, 7, 24, 128, 230, 249, 167, 53, 0, 53, 167, 249, 230, 128, 24, 6, 88, 202, 255, 202, 88, 6, 24, 127, 231, 249, 167, 52, 0, 52, 167, 248, 231, 127, 25, 6, 89, 202, 255, 202, 89, 6, 25, 127, 231, 248, 167, 53, 0, 54, 165, 251, 227, 133, 14};
const unsigned char AFSK_space[] PROGMEM = { 140, 228, 250, 166, 53, 0, 53, 166, 249, 230, 128, 24, 7, 88, 203, 255, 203, 88, 7, 24, 128, 230, 249, 167, 53, 0, 53, 167, 249, 230, 128, 24, 6, 88, 202, 255, 202, 88, 6, 24, 127, 231, 249, 167, 52, 0, 52, 167, 248, 231, 127, 25, 6, 89, 202, 255, 202, 89, 6, 25, 127, 231, 248, 167, 53, 0, 54, 165, 251, 227, 133, 14};
/* Aux button variables */
@ -60,19 +132,19 @@ HamShield::HamShield(uint8_t address) {
/** Power on and prepare for general usage.
void HamShield::initialize() {
// set up PWM output for RF power control - commenting out to get rid of terrible buzzing noise
// pwr_control_pin = 9;
// pwr_control_pin = 9;
// Note: these initial settings are for UHF 12.5kHz channel
// see the A1846S register table and initial settings for more info
// TODO: update code to make it easier to change from VHF to UHF and 12.5kHz channel to 25kHz channel
uint16_t tx_data;
// reset all registers in A1846S
// set pdn_reg bit in control register (0 or 1?) (now done in softReset)
@ -82,29 +154,29 @@ void HamShield::initialize() {
//set up clock to ues 12-14MHz
// set up clock to use 12.8MHz crystal
// set up ADClk frequency to 6.4MHz
tx_data = 0xE000;
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, 0x24, tx_data); // why is this here? See A1846S register init word doc
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, 0x24, tx_data); // why is this here? See A1846S register init word doc
//could change GPIO voltage levels with writes to 0x08 and 0x09
// see A1846S register init table
// see A1846S register init table
tx_data = 0x03AC;
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, 0x09, tx_data); // why is this here? See A1846S register init word doc
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, 0x09, tx_data); // why is this here? See A1846S register init word doc
// set PA_bias voltage to 1.68V (and do something else too? what's the 3 for?)
tx_data = 0x0320;
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, 0x0A, tx_data);
tx_data = 0x1A10;
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, 0x0B, tx_data); // why is this here? See A1846S register init table
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, 0x0B, tx_data); // why is this here? See A1846S register init table
tx_data = 0x3E37;
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, 0x11, tx_data); // why is this here? See A1846S register init table
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, 0x11, tx_data); // why is this here? See A1846S register init table
// Automatic Gain Control stuff
// AGC when band is UHF,0x32 = 0x627C;when band is VHF,0x32 = 0x62BC//
@ -130,7 +202,7 @@ void HamShield::initialize() {
// subaudio decode setting,sq_out_sel,noise threshold value db
tx_data = 0x114A; // A1846S_SQ_OUT_SEL_REG is 0x54
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_SQ_OUT_SEL_REG, tx_data); // why is this here? See A1846S register init table
// bandwide setting of filter when RSSI is high or low
tx_data = 0x0652;
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, 0x56, tx_data); // why is this here? See A1846S register init table
@ -159,25 +231,25 @@ void HamShield::initialize() {
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, 0x5, tx_data); // set output power, reg 0x85 - 0x80
tx_data = 0x0;
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, 0x7F, tx_data); // finish writing to a reg > 0x7F
// set control reg for pdn_reg, rx, and mute when rxno
tx_data = 0xA4;
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_CTL_REG, tx_data); // finish writing to a reg > 0x7F
// set control reg for chip_cal_en, pdn_reg, rx, and mute when rxno
tx_data = 0xA6;
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_CTL_REG, tx_data); // finish writing to a reg > 0x7F
// set control reg for chip_cal_en, pdn_reg
tx_data = 0x6;
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_CTL_REG, tx_data); // finish writing to a reg > 0x7F
// and then I have no idea about this nonsense
// some of these settings seem to be for 12.5kHz channels
// TODO: get A1846S to give us a full register table
@ -191,7 +263,7 @@ void HamShield::initialize() {
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, 0x71, tx_data);
tx_data = 0x0006;
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, 0x30, tx_data);
// setup default values
@ -217,15 +289,15 @@ bool HamShield::testConnection() {
/** A1846S each register write is 24-bit long, including a
* r/nw bit, 7-bit register address , and 16-bit data (MSB
/** A1846S each register write is 24-bit long, including a
* r/nw bit, 7-bit register address , and 16-bit data (MSB
* is the first bit).
* R/W, A[6:0], D[15:0]
* Note (this shouldn't be necessary, since all ctl registers are below 0x7F)
* If register address is more than 7FH, first write 0x0001
* to 7FH, and then write value to the address subtracted by
* 80H. Finally write 0x0000 to 7FH
* If register address is more than 7FH, first write 0x0001
* to 7FH, and then write value to the address subtracted by
* 80H. Finally write 0x0000 to 7FH
* Example: writing 85H register address is 0x001F .
* Move 7FH 0x0001{
@ -251,12 +323,12 @@ void HamShield::softReset() {
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_CTL_REG, tx_data);
void HamShield::setFrequency(uint32_t freq_khz) {
radio_frequency = freq_khz;
uint32_t freq_raw = freq_khz << 3; // shift by 3 to multiply by 8
// send top 16 bits to A1846S_FREQ_HI_REG
// send top 16 bits to A1846S_FREQ_HI_REG
uint16_t freq_half = (uint16_t) (0x3FFF & (freq_raw >> 16));
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_FREQ_HI_REG, freq_half);
// send bottom 16 bits to A1846S_FREQ_LO_REG
@ -284,7 +356,7 @@ void HamShield::setNoFilters() {
// band
// 00 - 400-520MHz
// 00 - 400-520MHz
// 10 - 200-260MHz
// 11 - 134-174MHz
// TODO: add write to 0x32 based on band selection
@ -313,11 +385,11 @@ uint16_t HamShield::getBand(){
// 12-14MHz crystal: this reg is set to crystal freq_khz
// 24-28MHz crystal: this reg is set to crystal freq_khz / 2
void HamShield::setXtalFreq(uint16_t freq_kHz){
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_XTAL_FREQ_REG, freq_kHz);
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_XTAL_FREQ_REG, freq_kHz);
uint16_t HamShield::getXtalFreq(){
I2Cdev::readWord(devAddr, A1846S_FREQ_HI_REG, radio_i2c_buf);
return radio_i2c_buf[0];
@ -325,7 +397,7 @@ uint16_t HamShield::getXtalFreq(){
// 12-14MHz crystal: this reg is set to crystal freq_khz / 2
// 24-28MHz crystal: this reg is set to crystal freq_khz / 4
void HamShield::setAdcClkFreq(uint16_t freq_kHz){
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_ADCLK_FREQ_REG, freq_kHz);
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_ADCLK_FREQ_REG, freq_kHz);
uint16_t HamShield::getAdcClkFreq(){
@ -340,9 +412,9 @@ void HamShield::setClkMode(bool LFClk){
// include upper bits as default values
uint16_t tx_data = 0x0F11; // NOTE: should this be 0fd1 or 0f11? Programming guide and setup guide disagree
if (!LFClk) {
tx_data = 0x0F10;
tx_data = 0x0F10;
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_CLK_MODE_REG, tx_data);
bool HamShield::getClkMode(){
@ -375,7 +447,7 @@ void HamShield::setTX(bool on_noff){
// make sure RX is off
if (on_noff) {
// For RF6886:
// first turn on power
// set RX output on
@ -389,8 +461,8 @@ void HamShield::setTX(bool on_noff){
// todo: make sure gpio are set correctly after this
I2Cdev::writeBitW(devAddr, A1846S_CTL_REG, A1846S_TX_MODE_BIT, on_noff);
bool HamShield::getTX(){
I2Cdev::readBitW(devAddr, A1846S_CTL_REG, A1846S_TX_MODE_BIT, radio_i2c_buf);
@ -401,13 +473,13 @@ void HamShield::setRX(bool on_noff){
// make sure TX is off
if (on_noff) {
// set TX output off
setGpioHi(5); // remember that RX and TX are active low
// set RX output on
setGpioLow(4); // remember that RX and TX are active low
I2Cdev::writeBitW(devAddr, A1846S_CTL_REG, A1846S_RX_MODE_BIT, on_noff);
bool HamShield::getRX(){
@ -417,25 +489,25 @@ bool HamShield::getRX(){
void HamShield::setModeTransmit(){
// check to see if we should allow them to do this
if(restrictions == true) {
if((radio_frequency > 139999) & (radio_frequency < 148001)) { setRX(false); setTX(true); }
if((radio_frequency > 218999) & (radio_frequency < 225001)) { setRX(false); setTX(true); }
if((radio_frequency > 419999) & (radio_frequency < 450001)) { setRX(false); setTX(true); }
} else {
if(restrictions == true) {
if((radio_frequency > 139999) & (radio_frequency < 148001)) { setRX(false); setTX(true); }
if((radio_frequency > 218999) & (radio_frequency < 225001)) { setRX(false); setTX(true); }
if((radio_frequency > 419999) & (radio_frequency < 450001)) { setRX(false); setTX(true); }
} else {
// turn off rx, turn on tx
setRX(false); // break before make
setTX(true); }
void HamShield::setModeReceive(){
// turn on rx, turn off tx
setTX(false); // break before make
void HamShield::setModeOff(){
// turn off rx, turn off tx, set pwr_dwn bit
// set tx source
// 00 - Mic source
@ -454,7 +526,7 @@ void HamShield::setTxSourceSine(){
void HamShield::setTxSourceCode(){
// note, also set GPIO1 to 01
setGpioMode(1, 1);
void HamShield::setTxSourceNone(){
@ -493,7 +565,7 @@ uint16_t HamShield::getPABiasVoltage(){
TX code mode:
Step1: 45H[2:0]=010
RX code mode:
Step1: set 45H[2:0]=001
Step2: set 4dH[15:10]=000001
@ -599,13 +671,13 @@ void HamShield::setCtcssFreq(uint16_t freq){
uint16_t HamShield::getCtcssFreq(){
I2Cdev::readWord(devAddr, A1846S_CTCSS_FREQ_REG, radio_i2c_buf);
return radio_i2c_buf[0];
void HamShield::setCtcssFreqToStandard(){
// freq must be 134.4Hz for standard cdcss mode
// cdcss codes
void HamShield::setCdcssCode(uint16_t code) {
@ -613,9 +685,9 @@ void HamShield::setCdcssCode(uint16_t code) {
// Set both code registers at once (23 or 24 bit code)
// sends 100, c1, c2, c3, 11 bits of crc
// TODO: figure out what to do about 24 or 23 bit codes
uint32_t cdcss_code = 0x800000; // top three bits are 100
uint32_t oct_code = code%10;
code = code / 10;
@ -624,14 +696,14 @@ void HamShield::setCdcssCode(uint16_t code) {
code = code / 10;
cdcss_code += oct_code << 17;
cdcss_code += (code % 10) << 14;
// set registers
uint16_t temp_code = (uint16_t) cdcss_code;
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_CDCSS_CODE_HI_REG, temp_code);
temp_code = (uint16_t) (cdcss_code >> 16);
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_CDCSS_CODE_LO_REG, temp_code);
temp_code = (uint16_t) (cdcss_code >> 16);
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_CDCSS_CODE_LO_REG, temp_code);
uint16_t HamShield::getCdcssCode() {
uint32_t oct_code;
@ -639,14 +711,14 @@ uint16_t HamShield::getCdcssCode() {
oct_code = (radio_i2c_buf[0] << 16);
I2Cdev::readWord(devAddr, A1846S_CDCSS_CODE_LO_REG, radio_i2c_buf);
oct_code += radio_i2c_buf[0];
oct_code = oct_code >> 12;
uint16_t code = (oct_code & 0x3);
oct_code = oct_code >> 3;
code += (oct_code & 0x3)*10;
oct_code = oct_code >> 3;
code += (oct_code & 0x3)*100;
return code;
@ -666,10 +738,10 @@ bool HamShield::getSQState(){
void HamShield::setSQHiThresh(uint16_t sq_hi_threshold){
// Sq detect high th, rssi_cmp will be 1 when rssi>th_h_sq, unit 1/8dB
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_SQ_OPEN_THRESH_REG, sq_hi_threshold);
uint16_t HamShield::getSQHiThresh(){
I2Cdev::readWord(devAddr, A1846S_SQ_OPEN_THRESH_REG, radio_i2c_buf);
return radio_i2c_buf[0];
void HamShield::setSQLoThresh(uint16_t sq_lo_threshold){
@ -678,7 +750,7 @@ void HamShield::setSQLoThresh(uint16_t sq_lo_threshold){
uint16_t HamShield::getSQLoThresh(){
I2Cdev::readWord(devAddr, A1846S_SQ_SHUT_THRESH_REG, radio_i2c_buf);
return radio_i2c_buf[0];
@ -709,20 +781,20 @@ bool HamShield::getVoxOn(){
// Vox Threshold
void HamShield::setVoxOpenThresh(uint16_t vox_open_thresh){
// When vssi > th_h_vox, then vox will be 1(unit mV )
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_TH_H_VOX_REG, vox_open_thresh);
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_TH_H_VOX_REG, vox_open_thresh);
uint16_t HamShield::getVoxOpenThresh(){
I2Cdev::readWord(devAddr, A1846S_TH_H_VOX_REG, radio_i2c_buf);
return radio_i2c_buf[0];
void HamShield::setVoxShutThresh(uint16_t vox_shut_thresh){
// When vssi < th_l_vox && time delay meet, then vox will be 0 (unit mV )
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_TH_L_VOX_REG, vox_shut_thresh);
I2Cdev::writeWord(devAddr, A1846S_TH_L_VOX_REG, vox_shut_thresh);
uint16_t HamShield::getVoxShutThresh(){
I2Cdev::readWord(devAddr, A1846S_TH_L_VOX_REG, radio_i2c_buf);
return radio_i2c_buf[0];
@ -864,7 +936,7 @@ void HamShield::setGpioHi(uint16_t gpio){
uint16_t HamShield::getGpioMode(uint16_t gpio){
uint16_t mode_len = 2;
uint16_t bit = gpio*2 + 1;
I2Cdev::readBitsW(devAddr, A1846S_GPIO_MODE_REG, bit, mode_len, radio_i2c_buf);
return radio_i2c_buf[0];
@ -914,20 +986,20 @@ bool HamShield::getPreDeEmphEnabled(){
// Read Only Status Registers
int16_t HamShield::readRSSI(){
I2Cdev::readWord(devAddr, A1846S_RSSI_REG, radio_i2c_buf);
int16_t rssi = (radio_i2c_buf[0] & 0x3FF) / 8 - 135;
return rssi; // only need lowest 10 bits
uint16_t HamShield::readVSSI(){
I2Cdev::readWord(devAddr, A1846S_VSSI_REG, radio_i2c_buf);
return radio_i2c_buf[0] & 0x7FF; // only need lowest 10 bits
uint16_t HamShield::readDTMFIndex(){
// TODO: may want to split this into two (index1 and index2)
I2Cdev::readBitsW(devAddr, A1846S_DTMF_RX_REG, A1846S_DTMF_INDEX_BIT, A1846S_DTMF_INDEX_LENGTH, radio_i2c_buf);
return radio_i2c_buf[0];
uint16_t HamShield::readDTMFCode(){
// 1:f0+f4, 2:f0+f5, 3:f0+f6, A:f0+f7,
// 4:f1+f4, 5:f1+f5, 6:f1+f6, B:f1+f7,
@ -938,46 +1010,46 @@ uint16_t HamShield::readDTMFCode(){
void HamShield::setRfPower(uint8_t pwr) {
// using loop reference voltage input to op-amp
// (see RF6886 datasheet)
// 30 is 0.5V, which is ~min loop reference voltage
// 127 is 2.5V, which is ~max loop ref voltage
int max_pwr = 255; //167; // 167 is 3.3*255/5 - 1;
if (pwr > max_pwr) {
pwr = max_pwr;
pwr = max_pwr;
// using open loop reference voltage into Vreg1/2
/*int max_pwr = 78; // 78 = 1.58*255/5 - 1
if (pwr > max_pwr) {
pwr = max_pwr;
pwr = max_pwr;
// using loop ref voltage as specified in RF6886 datasheet
// analogWrite(pwr_control_pin, pwr);
bool HamShield::frequency(uint32_t freq_khz) {
if((freq_khz >= 137000) && (freq_khz <= 174000)) {
bool HamShield::frequency(uint32_t freq_khz) {
if((freq_khz >= 137000) && (freq_khz <= 174000)) {
setBand(3); // 0b11 is 134-174MHz
return true;
if((freq_khz >= 200000) && (freq_khz <= 260000)) {
if((freq_khz >= 200000) && (freq_khz <= 260000)) {
setBand(2); // 10 is 200-260MHz
return true;
if((freq_khz >= 400000) && (freq_khz <= 520000)) {
if((freq_khz >= 400000) && (freq_khz <= 520000)) {
setBand(00); // 00 is 400-520MHz
return true;
return false;
@ -985,23 +1057,23 @@ bool HamShield::frequency(uint32_t freq_khz) {
/* FRS Lookup Table */
bool HamShield::setFRSChannel(uint8_t channel) {
if(channel < 15) {
bool HamShield::setFRSChannel(uint8_t channel) {
if(channel < 15) {
return true;
return false;
/* GMRS Lookup Table (borrows from FRS table since channels overlap) */
bool HamShield::setGMRSChannel(uint8_t channel) {
if((channel > 8) & (channel < 16)) {
bool HamShield::setGMRSChannel(uint8_t channel) {
if((channel > 8) & (channel < 16)) {
channel = channel - 7; // we start with 0, to try to avoid channel 8 being nothing
return true;
return true;
if(channel < 9) {
if(channel < 9) {
return true;
@ -1010,21 +1082,21 @@ bool HamShield::setGMRSChannel(uint8_t channel) {
/* MURS band is 11.25KHz (2.5KHz dev) in channel 1-3, 20KHz (5KHz dev) in channel 4-5. Should we set this? */
bool HamShield::setMURSChannel(uint8_t channel) {
if(channel < 6) {
bool HamShield::setMURSChannel(uint8_t channel) {
if(channel < 6) {
return true;
/* Weather radio channels */
bool HamShield::setWXChannel(uint8_t channel) {
if(channel < 8) {
bool HamShield::setWXChannel(uint8_t channel) {
if(channel < 8) {
// turn off squelch?
// channel bandwidth?
// channel bandwidth?
return true;
return false;
@ -1032,10 +1104,10 @@ bool HamShield::setWXChannel(uint8_t channel) {
/* Scan channels for strongest signal. returns channel number. You could do radio.setWXChannel(radio.scanWXChannel()) */
uint8_t HamShield::scanWXChannel() {
uint8_t HamShield::scanWXChannel() {
uint8_t channel = 0;
int16_t toprssi = 0;
for(int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
for(int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
int16_t rssi = readRSSI();
@ -1047,28 +1119,28 @@ uint8_t HamShield::scanWXChannel() {
/* removes the out of band transmit restrictions for those who hold special licenses */
void HamShield::dangerMode() {
void HamShield::dangerMode() {
restrictions = false;
/* enable restrictions on out of band transmissions */
void HamShield::safeMode() {
void HamShield::safeMode() {
restrictions = true;
/* scanner mode. Scans a range and returns the active frequency when it detects a signal. If none is detected, returns 0. */
uint32_t HamShield::scanMode(uint32_t start,uint32_t stop, uint8_t speed, uint16_t step, uint16_t threshold) {
uint32_t HamShield::scanMode(uint32_t start,uint32_t stop, uint8_t speed, uint16_t step, uint16_t threshold) {
int16_t rssi = -150;
for(uint32_t freq = start; freq < stop; freq = freq + step) {
for(uint32_t freq = start; freq < stop; freq = freq + step) {
for(int x = 0; x < speed; x++) {
for(int x = 0; x < speed; x++) {
rssi = readRSSI();
if(rssi > threshold) { return freq; }
if(rssi > threshold) { return freq; }
return 0; // found nothing
@ -1076,52 +1148,52 @@ uint32_t HamShield::scanMode(uint32_t start,uint32_t stop, uint8_t speed, uint16
/* white space finder. (inverted scanner) Scans a range for a white space, and if no signal exists, stop there. */
uint32_t HamShield::findWhitespace(uint32_t start,uint32_t stop, uint8_t dwell, uint16_t step, uint16_t threshold) {
uint32_t HamShield::findWhitespace(uint32_t start,uint32_t stop, uint8_t dwell, uint16_t step, uint16_t threshold) {
int16_t rssi = -150;
for(uint32_t freq = start; freq < stop; freq = freq + step) {
for(uint32_t freq = start; freq < stop; freq = freq + step) {
for(int x = 0; x < dwell; x++) {
for(int x = 0; x < dwell; x++) {
rssi = readRSSI();
if(rssi > threshold) { break; }
if(rssi > threshold) { break; }
if(rssi < threshold) { return freq; } /* found a blank channel */
return 0; // everything is busy
channel scanner. Scans an array of channels for activity. returns channel number if found. Otherwise, returns 0. ignores whatever is in array position
uint32_t HamShield::scanChannels(uint32_t buffer[],uint8_t buffsize, uint8_t speed, uint16_t threshold) {
uint32_t HamShield::scanChannels(uint32_t buffer[],uint8_t buffsize, uint8_t speed, uint16_t threshold) {
int16_t rssi = 0;
for(int x = 1; x < buffsize; x++) {
for(int x = 1; x < buffsize; x++) {
for(int y = 0; y < speed; y++) {
for(int y = 0; y < speed; y++) {
rssi = readRSSI();
if(rssi > threshold) { return x; }
if(rssi > threshold) { return x; }
return 0;
white space channel finder. Scans an array of channels for white space. returns channel number if empty found. Otherwise, returns 0. ignores whatever is in array position
uint32_t HamShield::findWhitespaceChannels(uint32_t buffer[],uint8_t buffsize, uint8_t dwell, uint16_t threshold) {
uint32_t HamShield::findWhitespaceChannels(uint32_t buffer[],uint8_t buffsize, uint8_t dwell, uint16_t threshold) {
int16_t rssi = 0;
for(int x = 1; x < buffsize; x++) {
for(int x = 1; x < buffsize; x++) {
for(int y = 0; y < dwell; y++) {
for(int y = 0; y < dwell; y++) {
rssi = readRSSI();
if(rssi > threshold) { break; }
if(rssi > threshold) { break; }
if(rssi < threshold) { return x; } /* found a blank channel */
@ -1130,11 +1202,11 @@ uint32_t HamShield::findWhitespaceChannels(uint32_t buffer[],uint8_t buffsize, u
/* Setup the auxiliary button input mode and register the ISR */
void HamShield::buttonMode(uint8_t mode) {
void HamShield::buttonMode(uint8_t mode) {
pinMode(HAMSHIELD_AUX_BUTTON,INPUT); // set the pin mode to input
digitalWrite(HAMSHIELD_AUX_BUTTON,HIGH); // turn on internal pull up
sHamShield = this;
if(mode == PTT_MODE) { attachInterrupt(HAMSHIELD_AUX_BUTTON, HamShield::isr_ptt, CHANGE); }
sHamShield = this;
if(mode == PTT_MODE) { attachInterrupt(HAMSHIELD_AUX_BUTTON, HamShield::isr_ptt, CHANGE); }
if(mode == RESET_MODE) { attachInterrupt(HAMSHIELD_AUX_BUTTON, HamShield::isr_reset, CHANGE); }
@ -1142,41 +1214,41 @@ void HamShield::buttonMode(uint8_t mode) {
/* handle aux button to reset condition */
void HamShield::isr_reset() {
void HamShield::isr_reset() {
while(1) { }
while(1) { }
/* Transmit on press, receive on release. We need debouncing !! */
void HamShield::isr_ptt() {
if((bouncer + 200) > millis()) {
if(ptt == false) {
void HamShield::isr_ptt() {
if((bouncer + 200) > millis()) {
if(ptt == false) {
ptt = true;
bouncer = millis();
if(ptt == true) {
if(ptt == true) {
ptt = false;
bouncer = millis();
} }
Radio etiquette function: Wait for empty channel.
Optional timeout (0 waits forever)
Optional break window (how much dead air to wait for after a transmission completes)
Does not take in account the millis() overflow
Does not take in account the millis() overflow
bool HamShield::waitForChannel(long timeout = 0, long breakwindow = 0, int setRSSI = HAMSHIELD_EMPTY_CHANNEL_RSSI) {
bool HamShield::waitForChannel(long timeout = 0, long breakwindow = 0, int setRSSI = HAMSHIELD_EMPTY_CHANNEL_RSSI) {
int16_t rssi = 0; // Set RSSI to max received signal
for(int x = 0; x < 20; x++) { rssi = readRSSI(); } // "warm up" to get past RSSI hysteresis
for(int x = 0; x < 20; x++) { rssi = readRSSI(); } // "warm up" to get past RSSI hysteresis
long timer = millis() + timeout; // Setup the timeout value
if(timeout == 0) { timer = 4294967295; } // If we want to wait forever, set it to the max millis()
while(timer > millis()) { // while our timer is not timed out.
@ -1195,36 +1267,56 @@ bool HamShield::waitForChannel(long timeout = 0, long breakwindow = 0, int setRS
/* Morse code out, blocking */
void HamShield::morseOut(char buffer[HAMSHIELD_MORSE_BUFFER_SIZE]) {
for(int x = 0; x < strlen(buffer); x++) {
char output = morseLookup(buffer[x]);
if(buffer[x] != ' ') {
for(int m = 0; m < strlen(itu[output]); m++) {
if(itu[output][m] == '-') { tone(HAMSHIELD_PWM_PIN,1000,HAMSHIELD_MORSE_DOT*3); delay(HAMSHIELD_MORSE_DOT*3); }
} else { delay(HAMSHIELD_MORSE_DOT*7); }
void HamShield::morseOut(char buffer[HAMSHIELD_MORSE_BUFFER_SIZE]) {
int i = 0;
char prev = 0;
while(buffer[i] != '\0' && i < HAMSHIELD_MORSE_BUFFER_SIZE) {
// On a space, delay 7 dots
if(buffer[i] == ' ') {
// We delay by 4 here, if we previously sent a symbol. Otherwise 7.
if(prev == 0 || prev == ' ')
// Otherwise, lookup our character symbol
uint8_t bits = morseLookup(buffer[i]);
if(bits) { // If it is a valid character...
do {
tone(HAMSHIELD_PWM_PIN, 600, HAMSHIELD_MORSE_DOT * (bits & 1 ? 3 : 1));
bits >>= 1; // Shift into the next symbol
} while(bits != 1); // Wait for 1 termination to be all we have left
// End of character
prev = buffer[i];
/* Morse code lookup table */
char HamShield::morseLookup(char letter) {
for(int x = 0; x < 54; x++) {
if(letter == ascii[x]) {
return x;
// return itu[x];
uint8_t HamShield::morseLookup(char letter) {
uint8_t i;
for(i = 0; i < MORSE_TABLE_LENGTH; i++) {
if(asciiMorse[i].ascii == letter)
return asciiMorse[i].itu;
uint16_t w = pgm_read_word_near(asciiMorseProgmem + i);
if( (char)((w>>8) & 0xff) == letter )
return (uint8_t)(w & 0xff);
return 0;
SSTV VIS Digital Header
SSTV VIS Digital Header
Reference: http://www.barberdsp.com/files/Dayton%20Paper.pdf
@ -1246,55 +1338,55 @@ Millis Freq Description
void HamShield::SSTVVISCode(int code) {
void HamShield::SSTVVISCode(int code) {
for(int x = 0; x < 7; x++) {
if(bitRead(code,x)) { toneWait(1100,30); } else { toneWait(1300,30); }
if(parityCalc(code)) { toneWait(1300,30); } else { toneWait(1100,30); }
for(int x = 0; x < 7; x++) {
if(bitRead(code,x)) { toneWait(1100,30); } else { toneWait(1300,30); }
if(parityCalc(code)) { toneWait(1300,30); } else { toneWait(1100,30); }
SSTV Test Pattern
SSTV Test Pattern
Print 6 color bars
MARTIN1 is only supported for this
Reference: http://www.barberdsp.com/files/Dayton%20Paper.pdf
void HamShield::SSTVTestPattern(int code) {
void HamShield::SSTVTestPattern(int code) {
if(code == MARTIN1) {
for(int x = 0; x < 257; x++){
if(code == MARTIN1) {
for(int x = 0; x < 257; x++){
toneWaitU(1200,4862); // sync pulse (4862 uS)
toneWaitU(1500,572); // sync porch (572 uS)
/* Green Channel - 146.432ms a line (we are doing 144ms) */
toneWaitU(1500,572); // color separator pulse (572 uS)
/* Blue Channel - 146.432ms a line (we are doing 144ms) */
toneWaitU(1500,572); // color separator pulse (572 uS)
@ -1305,8 +1397,8 @@ void HamShield::SSTVTestPattern(int code) {
toneWaitU(1500,572); // color separator pulse (572 uS)
@ -1314,15 +1406,15 @@ void HamShield::SSTVTestPattern(int code) {
/* wait for tone to complete */
void HamShield::toneWait(uint16_t freq, long timer) {
void HamShield::toneWait(uint16_t freq, long timer) {
/* wait microseconds for tone to complete */
void HamShield::toneWaitU(uint16_t freq, long timer) {
if(freq < 16383) {
void HamShield::toneWaitU(uint16_t freq, long timer) {
if(freq < 16383) {
delayMicroseconds(timer); noTone(HAMSHIELD_PWM_PIN); return;
@ -1331,7 +1423,7 @@ void HamShield::toneWaitU(uint16_t freq, long timer) {
bool HamShield::parityCalc(int code) {
bool HamShield::parityCalc(int code) {
unsigned int v; // word value to compute the parity of
bool parity = false; // parity will be the parity of v
@ -1344,9 +1436,9 @@ bool HamShield::parityCalc(int code) {
return parity;
void HamShield::AFSKOut(char buffer[80]) {
for(int x = 0; x < 65536; x++) {
startPlayback(AFSK_mark, sizeof(AFSK_mark)); delay(8);
void HamShield::AFSKOut(char buffer[80]) {
for(int x = 0; x < 65536; x++) {
startPlayback(AFSK_mark, sizeof(AFSK_mark)); delay(8);
startPlayback(AFSK_space, sizeof(AFSK_space)); delay(8); }

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
// Device Bit Fields
// Bitfields for A1846S_CTL_REG
#define A1846S_CHAN_MODE_BIT 13 //channel_mode<1:0>
#define A1846S_CHAN_MODE_BIT 13 //channel_mode<1:0>
#define A1846S_CHAN_MODE_LENGTH 2
#define A1846S_TAIL_ELIM_EN_BIT 11 // enables tail elim when set to 1
#define A1846S_ST_MODE_BIT 9 // set mode for txon and rxon
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
#define A1846S_VSSI_LENGTH 15
// Bitfields for A1846S_DTMF_CTL_REG
#define A1846S_DTMF_MODE_BIT 9 //
#define A1846S_DTMF_MODE_BIT 9 //
#define A1846S_DTMF_MODE_LENGTH 2
#define A1846S_DTMF_EN_BIT 8 // enable dtmf
#define A1846S_DTMF_TIME1_BIT 7 // dtmf time 1 <3:0>
@ -254,33 +254,33 @@ class HamShield {
void initialize();
bool testConnection();
// read control reg
uint16_t readCtlReg();
void softReset();
// center frequency
void setFrequency(uint32_t freq_khz);
uint32_t getFrequency();
// band
// 00 - 400-520MHz
// 10 - 200-260MHz
// 11 - 134-174MHz
void setBand(uint16_t band);
uint16_t getBand();
void setUHF();
void setVHF();
void setNoFilters();
bool frequency(uint32_t freq_khz);
// xtal frequency (kHz)
// 12-14MHz crystal: this reg is set to crystal freq_khz
// 24-28MHz crystal: this reg is set to crystal freq_khz / 2
void setXtalFreq(uint16_t freq_kHz);
uint16_t getXtalFreq();
// adclk frequency (kHz)
// 12-14MHz crystal: this reg is set to crystal freq_khz / 2
// 24-28MHz crystal: this reg is set to crystal freq_khz / 4
@ -292,33 +292,33 @@ class HamShield {
// 24-28MHz: set to 0
void setClkMode(bool LFClk);
bool getClkMode();
// clk example
// 12.8MHz clock
// A1846S_XTAL_FREQ_REG[15:0]= xtal_freq<15:0>=12.8*1000=12800
// A1846S_ADCLK_FREQ_REG[12:0] =adclk_freq<15:0>=(12.8/2)*1000=6400
// A1846S_CLK_MODE_REG[0]= clk_mode =1
// TX/RX control
// channel mode
// 11 - 25kHz channel
// 00 - 12.5kHz channel
// 10,01 - reserved
void setChanMode(uint16_t mode);
uint16_t getChanMode();
// choose tx or rx
void setTX(bool on_noff);
bool getTX();
void setRX(bool on_noff);
bool getRX();
void setModeTransmit(); // turn off rx, turn on tx
void setModeReceive(); // turn on rx, turn off tx
void setModeOff(); // turn off rx, turn off tx, set pwr_dwn bit
// set tx source
// 00 - Mic source
// 01 - sine source from tone2
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ class HamShield {
void setTxSourceCode();
void setTxSourceNone();
uint16_t getTxSource();
// set PA_bias voltage
// 000000: 1.01V
// 000001:1.05V
@ -342,9 +342,9 @@ class HamShield {
// 1111111:3.13V
void setPABiasVoltage(uint16_t voltage);
uint16_t getPABiasVoltage();
// Subaudio settings
// Ctcss/cdcss mode sel
// x00=disable,
// 001=inner ctcss en,
@ -359,13 +359,13 @@ class HamShield {
void setOuterCtcssMode();
void setOuterCdcssMode();
void disableCtcssCdcss();
// Ctcss_sel
// 1 = ctcss_cmp/cdcss_cmp out via gpio
// 0 = ctcss/cdcss sdo out vio gpio
void setCtcssSel(bool cmp_nsdo);
bool getCtcssSel();
// Cdcss_sel
// 1 = long (24 bit) code
// 0 = short(23 bit) code
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ class HamShield {
void enableCdcssNegDet();
void disableCdcssNegDet();
bool getCdcssNegDetEnabled();
// Cdcss pos_det_en
void enableCdcssPosDet();
void disableCdcssPosDet();
@ -385,49 +385,49 @@ class HamShield {
void enableCssDet();
void disableCssDet();
bool getCssDetEnabled();
// ctcss freq
void setCtcss(float freq);
void setCtcssFreq(uint16_t freq);
uint16_t getCtcssFreq();
void setCtcssFreqToStandard(); // freq must be 134.4Hz for standard cdcss mode
// cdcss codes
void setCdcssCode(uint16_t code);
uint16_t getCdcssCode();
// SQ
void setSQOn();
void setSQOff();
bool getSQState();
// SQ threshold
void setSQHiThresh(uint16_t sq_hi_threshold); // Sq detect high th, rssi_cmp will be 1 when rssi>th_h_sq, unit 1/8dB
uint16_t getSQHiThresh();
void setSQLoThresh(uint16_t sq_lo_threshold); // Sq detect low th, rssi_cmp will be 0 when rssi<th_l_sq && time delay meet, unit 1/8 dB
uint16_t getSQLoThresh();
// SQ out select
void setSQOutSel();
void clearSQOutSel();
bool getSQOutSel();
// VOX
void setVoxOn();
void setVoxOff();
bool getVoxOn();
// Vox Threshold
void setVoxOpenThresh(uint16_t vox_open_thresh); // When vssi > th_h_vox, then vox will be 1(unit mV )
uint16_t getVoxOpenThresh();
void setVoxShutThresh(uint16_t vox_shut_thresh); // When vssi < th_l_vox && time delay meet, then vox will be 0 (unit mV )
uint16_t getVoxShutThresh();
// Tail Noise
void enableTailNoiseElim();
void disableTailNoiseElim();
bool getTailNoiseElimEnabled();
// tail noise shift select
// Select ctcss phase shift when use tail eliminating function when TX
// 00 = 120 degree shift
@ -436,12 +436,12 @@ class HamShield {
// 11 = reserved
void setShiftSelect(uint16_t shift_sel);
uint16_t getShiftSelect();
void setDTMFC0(uint16_t freq);
uint16_t getDTMFC0();
void setDTMFC1(uint16_t freq);
uint16_t getDTMFC1();
uint16_t getDTMFC1();
void setDTMFC2(uint16_t freq);
uint16_t getDTMFC2();
void setDTMFC3(uint16_t freq);
@ -454,19 +454,19 @@ class HamShield {
uint16_t getDTMFC6();
void setDTMFC7(uint16_t freq);
uint16_t getDTMFC7();
// TX FM deviation
void setFMVoiceCssDeviation(uint16_t deviation);
uint16_t getFMVoiceCssDeviation();
void setFMCssDeviation(uint16_t deviation);
uint16_t getFMCssDeviation();
// RX voice range
void setVolume1(uint16_t volume);
uint16_t getVolume1();
void setVolume2(uint16_t volume);
uint16_t getVolume2();
void setGpioMode(uint16_t gpio, uint16_t mode);
void setGpioHiZ(uint16_t gpio);
@ -474,24 +474,24 @@ class HamShield {
void setGpioLow(uint16_t gpio);
void setGpioHi(uint16_t gpio);
uint16_t getGpioMode(uint16_t gpio);
// Int
void enableInterrupt(uint16_t interrupt);
void disableInterrupt(uint16_t interrupt);
bool getInterruptEnabled(uint16_t interrupt);
// ST mode
void setStMode(uint16_t mode);
uint16_t getStMode();
void setStFullAuto();
void setStRxAutoTxManu();
void setStFullManu();
// Pre-emphasis, De-emphasis filter
void bypassPreDeEmph();
void usePreDeEmph();
bool getPreDeEmphEnabled();
// Read Only Status Registers
int16_t readRSSI();
uint16_t readVSSI();
@ -507,12 +507,12 @@ class HamShield {
bool setMURSChannel(uint8_t channel);
bool setWXChannel(uint8_t channel);
uint8_t scanWXChannel();
// restrictions control
void dangerMode();
void safeMode();
// utilities
uint32_t scanMode(uint32_t start,uint32_t stop, uint8_t speed, uint16_t step, uint16_t threshold);
uint32_t findWhitespace(uint32_t start,uint32_t stop, uint8_t dwell, uint16_t step, uint16_t threshold);
@ -522,14 +522,14 @@ class HamShield {
static void isr_ptt();
static void isr_reset();
void morseOut(char buffer[HAMSHIELD_MORSE_BUFFER_SIZE]);
char morseLookup(char letter);
uint8_t morseLookup(char letter);
bool waitForChannel(long timeout, long breakwindow, int setRSSI);
void SSTVVISCode(int code);
void SSTVTestPattern(int code);
void toneWait(uint16_t freq, long timer);
void toneWaitU(uint16_t freq, long timer);
bool parityCalc(int code);
// void AFSKOut(char buffer[80]);
// void AFSKOut(char buffer[80]);
@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ class HamShield {
uint32_t MURS[];
uint32_t WX[];
static HamShield *sHamShield; // HamShield singleton, used for ISRs mostly
// int8_t A1846S::readWord(uint8_t devAddr, uint8_t regAddr, uint16_t *data, uint16_t timeout);
// int8_t A1846S::readBits(uint8_t devAddr, uint8_t regAddr, uint8_t bitStart, uint8_t length, uint16_t *data, uint16_t timeout);
// int8_t A1846S::readBit(uint8_t devAddr, uint8_t regAddr, uint8_t bitNum, uint16_t *data, uint16_t timeout);