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2022-02-24 06:55:41 +00:00
Title: On Exocortices
*This is from a gemlog post written on 2021-02-10.*
This is a rough draft on some thoughts about exocortices that has been
simmering in the back of my mind lately. The catalyst for writing it
was reading Stephen Wolfram's (with all caveats that come with reading
his posts) entry "Seeking the Productive Life: Some Details of My
Personal Infrastructure".
This is a rough draft on some thoughts about exocortices that has been
simmering in the back of my mind lately. The catalyst for writing it
was reading Stephen Wolfram's (with all caveats that come with reading
his posts) entry "Seeking the Productive Life: Some Details of My
Personal Infrastructure".
## Background
An exocortex is "a hypothetical artificial information-processing
system that would augment a brain's biological cognitive processes." I
have made many attempts at building my own, including
* A web-based wiki (including my own custom solution, gitit,
MediaWiki, and others.
* Org-mode based notes, including my current notes/notes.org system
(with subdirectories for other things such as book notes)
* Evernote / Notion
* The Quiver MacOS app
* Experimenting in building custom exocortex software (e.g. kortex)
* A daily weblog (e.g. the old ai6ua.net site) and gemlog to summarize
important knowledge gained that day.
Each of these has their own shortcomings that don't quite match up
with my expectations or desires. An exocortex must be a personalized
system adapted to its user to maximise knowledge capture.
Succinctly put, the goal of an
[exocortex](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/exocortex) is to collect
artifacts and notes (including daily notes), organize them, and allow
for written summaries of current snapshots of my knowledge. Put
another way, "artifacts + notes + graph structure = exocortex". Note
that a folder hierarchy is a tree, which is a form of directed
graph. Symlinks inside a folder act as edges to notes outside of that
folder, refining the graph structure.
This writeup is an attempt at characterising and exploring the
exocortex problem space to capture my goals, serve as a foundation for
the construction of such a system, and, through discussion of the
problem space, tease out the structure of the problem to discover a
closer approximation to the idealized reality of an exocortex system.
## The elements of exocortices
The elements of an exocortex, briefly touched on above and expanded
below, include
* artifacts,
* the artifact repository,
* notes,
* structure,
* a query interface,
* an exploratory interface,
* a presentation interface,
* an update interface,
* locality, and
* totality.
### Artifacts
An artifact is any object that is not a textual writeup by me that
should be referenceable as part of the exocortex. A copy of a paper
from ArXiV might serve as an artifact. Importantly, artifacts must be
locally-available. They serve as a snapshot of some source of
knowledge, and should not be subject to link decay, future pay-walling
(or loss of access to a pay-walled system), or loss of
connectivity. An artifact should be timestamped: when was it captured?
When was the artifact created upstream? An artifact must also have
some associated upstream information --- how did it come to be in the
### The artifact repository
An artifact may be relevant to more than one field of interest;
accordingly, all artifacts should exist in a central repository. This
repository should support artifact histories (e.g. collecting updates
to artifacts, where the history is important in capturing a historical
view of knowledge), multiple formats (a book may exist in PDF, EPUB,
or other formats), and a mechanism for exploring, finding, and
updating docs. The repository must capture relevant metadata about
each artifact.
### Notes
A note is a written summary of a certain field. It should be in some
rich-text format that supports linking as well as basic
formatting. The ideal text format appears to be the org-mode format
given its rich formatting and ability to transition fluidly between
outline and full document; however, this may not be the final, most
effective format. A note is the distillation of artifacts into an
understandable form, providing avenues to discover specifics that may
need to be held in working memory only briefly.
### Structure
A structured format allows for fast and efficient knowledge
lookups. It grants the researcher a starting place with a set of rules
governing where and how things may be found. It imposes order over
chaos such that relevant kernels of knowledge may be retrieved and
examined in an expedient manner. The metaphor that humans seem to
adapt to the most readily is a graph structure, particularly those
that are generally hierarchical in nature.
### A query interface
The exocortex and the artifact repository both require a query
interface; they may be part of the same UI. A query UI allows a
researcher to pose questions of the exocortex, directly looking for
specific knowledge.
The four interfaces (query, exploration, presentation, and update) may
all be facets of the same interface, and they may benefit from a
cohesive and unified interface; however, it is important that all of
these use cases are considered and supported.
### An exploratory interface
The exploratory interface allows a researcher to meander through the
knowledge store, exploring topics and potentially identifying new
areas to push the knowledge sphere out further.
### A presentation interface
The presentation interface allows a set of notes to be shared with
others; it should be possible to include some or all artifacts
associated with these notes. For example, it may not be appropriate to
share a copy of a book with the presentation, but it may be
appropriate to share a copy of some of the supporting papers.
### An update interface
The update interface is where knowledge is added to the exocortex,
whether through capturing an artifact or writing notes.
### Locality
An exocortex must be localized to the user, with the full repository
available offline. Quick input or scratch pad notes might be
available, but realistically, the cost of cloud storage and the
transfer sizes mean that having the full exocortex available is
unlikely. Instead, a hybrid model allowing quick captures of knowledge
available remotely combined with a full exocortex on a local system
presents the probably best solution.
### Totality
An exocortex represents the sum of the user's knowledge. There aren't
separate exocortices for different areas. Everything I know should go
into my exocortex.
## Exploring the problem space
In order to map out the structure of an exocortex, it's useful to
review what has worked and what hasn't. Each alternative presented
will consider what worked and what didn't to clarify what an effective
exocortex looks like.
### Git-backed wikis and plaintext folders
At a high-level, wikis like Gitit and folders of plain-text (including
org-mode) data are roughly equivalent; the differences lie primarily
in how they are presented. Neither approach works well for indexing or
organizing artifacts, and while some approaches like a scanner that
adds notes to a SQLite database (for improved search performance).
Using a folder of org-mode notes is probably one of the better
note-taking interfaces that I have found; however, there is no notion
of an artifact repository without considerable manual work.
The main downsides to this approach are the lack of good query and
exploration UIs, along with the lack of a useful artifact
repository. The upsides are good updates and presentation interfaces.
### Evernote and Notion
Evernote (and also notion) provide a unified, searchable interface
across multiple machines. Evernote in particular has a usable artifact
repository, although information about upstream sources isn't
available, nor are metadata about the object or the idea of multiple
formats and history.
Evernote is a paid service, and neither is particularly extensible to
a user's needs. Exploring the exocortex is difficult, as there's no
notion of an entry point. Presenting nodes is met with some success,
albeit limited.
### Quiver
Quiver is an excellent note-taking application; however, it is
MacOS-only. It does have some ability to import web pages, but in
general it lacks any idea of an artifact repository. The ability to
intersperse different cell types is good.
### Jupyter notebooks
Jupyter notebooks provide an excellent interface for interspersing
computational ideas with prose; there is no notion of an artifact
repository, however. Linking notebooks isn't supported, and there is
no overall structure besides manual hyperlinking and a directory
## The artifact repository
The artifact repository is one of the two pillars of the exocortex; it
stores the "first hand" sources of knowledge.
### The central index
The first part of an artifact repository is a central index that
* references and linking to artifacts,
* a "blob" store that contains the artifacts, and
* some management interface that allows adding and editing metadata as
well as adding artifacts.
An artifact entry in the index contains, at a minimm,
* An artifact identifier
* Authorship information
The artifact identifier is used to associate all related artifacts
(e.g. previous revisions, different formats, etc.)
### Artifacts
An artifact consists of multiple components:
* A primary metadata entry that organizes artifacts
* Pointers to artifact "blobs"
* A historical record of changed blobs
The metadata header for an artifact should contain, at a minimum,
fields for
* Artifact identifier
* A list of revisions
Each artifact can have zero or more blobs associated. For example, a
physical book reference might not have a blob associated; an ebook
might have multiple blobs corresponding to different formats; and a
webpage snapshot may have mulitple blobs representing revisions to the
A blob header stores
* The artifact identifier
* The date retrieved or stored
* The date of the artifact itself
* The source
* Blob type information (e.g. a MIME type)
* A list of categories
* A list of tags
The headers should probably be stored in a database of some kind;
SQLite is a good example for the first iteration. Blobs themselves
will need to be stored on disk, probably in a format related to a hash
of the blob contents, such as in a content-addressable store (CAS).
## The exocortex
The exocortex consists of a graph database that links notes. At a
broad level, it should probably start with a root node that points to
broad fields. The update interface should allow manipulation of nodes
as graph nodes in addition to allowing for adding and editing notes. A
node might be thought of as "type node = Note | ArtifactLink". That
is, a note can link to other notes or to artifacts. A proper node
title is the sum of the paths. For example, consider the following
structure linked below:
Different possibilities for naming note3 include:
* root->note2->note3
* root=>note2=>note3
* root/note2/note3
Personally, I prefer the arrow notation with equal sign. Each note can
be shortened to a partial path; e.g. "note2=>note3". The title for
each note can be stored in a metadata entry.
## Next steps
A first step is to start constructing an artifact repository. Once
this is in place, a suitable graph database (for example,
[cayley](https://github.com/cayleygraph/cayley)) should be identified,
and an exocortex core developed. User interfaces will necessarily be
developed alongside these systems.