Kyle Isom b9f69e4aa1 data_sync: sync homedir to external storage. 2023-05-11 19:18:29 -07:00
README data_sync: sync homedir to external storage. 2023-05-11 19:18:29 -07:00
main.go data_sync: sync homedir to external storage. 2023-05-11 19:18:29 -07:00



This is a tool I wrote primarily to sync my home directory to a backup drive plugged
into my laptop. This system is provisioned by Ansible, and the goal is to be able to
just copy my home directory back in the event of a failure without having lost a great
deal of work. Specifically, I use a Framework laptop with the 1TB storage module,
encrypted with LUKS, and run this twice daily (timed to correspond with my commute,
though that's not really necessary). It started off as a shell script, then I decided
to just write it as a program.

Usage: data_sync [-d path] [-l level] [-m path] [-nqsv]
                                  [-t path]
        -d path         path to sync source directory
                        (default "~")
        -l level        log level to output (default "INFO"). Valid log
                        levels are DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERR,
                        CRIT, ALERT, EMERG. The default is INFO.
        -m path         path to sync mount directory
                        (default "/media/$USER/$(hostname -s)_data")
        -n              dry-run mode: only check paths and print files to
        -q              suppress console output
        -s              suppress syslog output
        -t path         path to sync target directory
                        (default "/media/$USER/$(hostname -s)_data/$USER")
        -v              verbose rsync output

data_sync rsyncs the tree at the sync source directory (-d) to the sync target
directory (-t); it checks the mount directory (-m) exists; the sync target
target directory must exist on the mount directory.