offload platformio building

This allows the repo to live on an SD card / USB jump drive.
This commit is contained in:
Kyle Isom 2020-12-21 20:14:45 -08:00
parent 62a64d17c0
commit 99e9741837
2 changed files with 29 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -8,22 +8,27 @@
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples ; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
; ;
[env:adafruit_feather_m4] [platformio]
platform = atmelsam workspace_dir = ~/.platformio/work/$PROJECT_HASH/stage2
board = adafruit_feather_m4 build_cache_dir = ~/.platformio/work/cache
framework = arduino
; 28: Adafruit NeoPixel library [env]
; 83: Adafruit RTClib platform = atmelsam
; 571: Adafruit ILI9341 library framework = arduino
lib_deps = SD, SPI, Wire, 28, 83, 571, arturo182/BBQ10Keyboard, 2082, 13, 6214 lib_deps =
adafruit/Adafruit BusIO @ ^1.7.1
adafruit/Adafruit GFX Library @ ^1.10.4
adafruit/Adafruit ILI9341 @ ^1.5.6
adafruit/Adafruit NeoPixel @ ^1.7.0
adafruit/Adafruit Zero DMA Library @ ^1.0.8
adafruit/RTClib @ ^1.12.4
arduino-libraries/SD @ ^1.2.4
board = adafruit_feather_m4
[env:adafruit_feather_m0] [env:adafruit_feather_m0]
platform = atmelsam
board = adafruit_feather_m0 board = adafruit_feather_m0
framework = arduino
; 28: Adafruit NeoPixel library
; 83: Adafruit RTClib
; 571: Adafruit ILI9341 library
lib_deps = SD, SPI, Wire, 28, 83, 571, arturo182/BBQ10Keyboard, 2082, 13, 6214

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@ -8,8 +8,15 @@
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples ; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
; ;
workspace_dir = ~/.platformio/work/$PROJECT_HASH/stage2
build_cache_dir = ~/.platformio/work/cache
platform = atmelsam platform = atmelsam
board = adafruit_feather_m4
framework = arduino framework = arduino
lib_deps = arduino-libraries/SD lib_deps = arduino-libraries/SD
board = adafruit_feather_m4