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Write You a Forth, 0x07
:date: 2018-03-01 19:31
:tags: wyaf, forth
2018-03-02 04:04:34 +00:00
At this point, I've finished most of the nucleus layer. All that's left to
implement are ``EXIT``, ``I``, and ``J`` --- the first requires better
execution support, which I'll talk about at the end. The other two, I'm not so
sure about yet.
However, I made some large changes, so let's dive in. Here's the new Linux
definitions file::
#ifndef __KF_LINUX_DEFS_H__
#define __KF_LINUX_DEFS_H__
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef int32_t KF_INT;
typedef uint32_t KF_UINT;
typedef int64_t KF_LONG;
typedef uintptr_t KF_ADDR;
constexpr uint8_t STACK_SIZE = 128;
constexpr size_t ARENA_SIZE = 65535;
I've also updated the main ``defs.h`` file to move some constants there::
#ifndef __KF_DEFS_H__
#define __KF_DEFS_H__
#ifdef __linux__
#include "linux/defs.h"
typedef int KF_INT;
typedef long KF_LONG;
constexpr uint8_t STACK_SIZE = 16;
constexpr size_t MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH = 16;
constexpr size_t dshift = (sizeof(KF_INT) * 8) - 1;
static inline KF_INT
mask(size_t bits)
KF_INT m = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bits; i++) {
m += 1 << i;
return m;
#endif // __KF_DEFS_H__
The first major change is the addition of the ``KF_ADDR`` type. This is needed
to implement the memory manipulation words. I've added some additional utility
functions for pushing and popping addresses from the data stack; they're stored
as double numbers::
static bool
pop_addr(System *sys, KF_ADDR *a)
if (!pop_long(sys, &b)) {
// Status is already set.
return false;
*a = static_cast<KF_ADDR>(b);
sys->status = STATUS_OK;
return true;
static bool
push_addr(System *sys, KF_ADDR a)
KF_LONG b = static_cast<KF_LONG>(a);
if (!push_long(sys, b)) {
// Status is already set.
return false;
sys->status = STATUS_OK;
return true;
Now I can actually implement ``!`` and so forth::
static bool
store(System *sys)
KF_ADDR a = 0; // address
KF_INT b = 0; // value
KF_LONG c = 0; // temporary
if (!pop_long(sys, &c)) {
return false;
a = static_cast<KF_ADDR>(c);
if (!sys->dstack.pop(&b)) {
return false;
*((KF_INT *)a) = b;
sys->status = STATUS_OK;
return true;
There's definitely a sense of finangling here.
The return stack
2018-03-02 05:19:41 +00:00
The ``>R`` series of words requires a return stack, so I've added a
``Stack<KF_ADDR>`` field to the ``System`` structure. The address stack
manipulation functions I introduced earlier only operate on the data stack, so
these require some extra verbosity; for example::
static bool
to_r(System *sys)
if (!sys->dstack.pop(&a)) {
return false;
if (!sys->rstack.push(static_cast<KF_ADDR>(a))) {
return false;
sys->status = STATUS_OK;
return true;
Adding the ``rstack`` field also required adding return stack over- and
underflow status codes.
The arena
As I was reading through the words left to implement, I found I'd have to
implement ``COUNT``. This provides some support for counted strings, which
are implemented as a byte array where the first byte is the length of the
string. In my mind, this has two implications:
1. There needs to be some area of user memory that's available for storing
strings and the like. I've termed this the arena, and it's a field in the
``System`` structure now.
2. There needs to be a Word type for addresses.
So now I have this definition for the ``System`` structure::
typedef struct _System {
Stack<KF_INT> dstack;
Stack<KF_ADDR> rstack;
IO *interface;
Word *dict;
SYS_STATUS status;
uint8_t arena[ARENA_SIZE];
} System;
The ``Address`` type seems like it's easy enough to implement::
class Address : public Word {
~Address() {};
Address(const char *name, size_t namelen, Word *head, KF_ADDR addr);
bool eval(System *);
Word *next(void);
bool match(struct Token *);
void getname(char *, size_t *);
char name[MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH];
size_t namelen;
Word *prev;
KF_ADDR addr;
And the implementation::
Address::Address(const char *name, size_t namelen, Word *head, KF_ADDR addr)
: prev(head), addr(addr)
memcpy(this->name, name, namelen);
this->namelen = namelen;
Address::eval(System *sys)
a = static_cast<KF_INT>(this->addr & mask(dshift));
if (!sys->dstack.push(a)) {
return false;
a = static_cast<KF_INT>((this->addr >> dshift) & mask(dshift));
if (!sys->dstack.push(a)) {
return false;
return true;
Word *
return this->prev;
Address::match(struct Token *token)
return match_token(this->name, this->namelen, token->token, token->length);
Address::getname(char *buf, size_t *buflen)
memcpy(buf, this->name, this->namelen);
*buflen = namelen;
It's kind of cool to see this at work::
$ ./kforth
kforth interpreter
? arena drop 2+ 0 @ .
? arena drop 2+ 0 4 rot rot ! .
stack underflow (error code 2).
? arena drop 2+ 0 @ .
Unsigned numbers
This is really just a bunch of casting::
static bool
u_dot(System *sys)
if (!sys->dstack.pop(&a)) {
return false;
b = static_cast<KF_UINT>(a);
write_unum(sys->interface, b);
sys->status = STATUS_OK;
return true;
Implementing ``execute`` was fun, but it begins to highlight the limits of my
approach so far.
EXECUTE addr -- 79
The word definition indicated by addr is executed. An error
condition exists if addr is not a compilation address
For example::
(gdb) break 83
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4077cf: file, line 83.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/kyle/code/kforth/kforth
Breakpoint 1, main () at
83 Console interface;
(gdb) p sys.dict->next()->next()->next()->next()
$1 = (Word *) 0x7e45b0
(gdb) p (Builtin) *sys.dict->next()->next()->next()->next()
$2 = {<Word> = {_vptr$Word = 0x55f220 <vtable for Builtin+16>}, name = "+", '\000' <repeats 14 times>, namelen = 1, prev = 0x7e4570,
fun = 0x406eb0 <add(_System*)>}
(gdb) p/u 0x7e45b0
$3 = 8275376
(gdb) c
kforth interpreter
? 2 3 8275376 0 execute .
executing word: +
In case the ``gdb`` example wasn't clear, I printed the address of the fourth
entry in the dictionary, which happens to be ``+``. I push the numbers 2 and 3
onto the stack, then push the address of ``+`` on the stack, then call execute.
As the dot function shows, it executes correctly, pushing the resulting 5 onto
the stack. Which leads me to the next section, wherein I need to rethink the
execution model.
The execution model
In most of the Forth implementations I've, the dictionary is a list of
contiguous pointers to words. That is, something like::
Word *dict[ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
dict[0] = new Builtin((const char *)"+", 1, add);
dict[1] = new Builtin((const char *)"-", 1, sub);
And so forth. Or, maybe,
Word dict[ARRAY_SIZE] = {
Builtin((const char *)"+", 1, add),
Builtin((const char *)"-", 1, sub)
So some questions:
+ How big should this array be?
+ How do I handle different word types?
+ How do I transfer execution to functions?
I'm thinking something like:
+ the parser looks up a word, and pushes the parser function's address onto the
return stack.
+ the parser jumps to the word's function pointer and executes it.
+ the function pointer jumps back to the last address on the return stack.
The second step could involve chaining multiple functions in there. I don't
know how to transfer execution to a random address in memory (maybe ``setjmp``
and ``longjmp``), or how I'm going to push the current word's address onto the
stack. I guess include some sort of additional fields in the system type.
This starts to jump into the realm of an operating system or virtual machine;
the OS approach makes more sense for embedded system.