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2018-01-19 00:30:58 +00:00
%% Exercises from chapter 4
%% Exercise 4.3 Write a predicate second(X,List) which checks whether X is the
%% second element of List .
second(X, [_, X|_]).
%% Exercise 4.4 Write a predicate swap12(List1,List2) which checks whether
%% List1 is identical to List2 , except that the first two elements are
%% exchanged.
swap12([X,Y|T], [Y,X|T]).
%% Exercise 4.5 Suppose we are given a knowledge base with the following
%% facts:
%% Write a predicate listtran(G,E) which translates a list of German number
%% words to the corresponding list of English number words. For example:
%% listtran([eins,neun,zwei],X).
%% should give:
%% X = [one,nine,two].
%% Your program should also work in the other direction. For example, if you give it the query
%% listtran(X,[one,seven,six,two]).
%% it should return:
%% X = [eins,sieben,sechs,zwei].
%% (Hint: to answer this question, first ask yourself How do I translate the
%% empty list of number words?. Thats the base case. For non-empty lists, first
%% translate the head of the list, then use recursion to translate the tail.)
listtran([], []).
listtran([X|TX], [Y|TY]) :-
tran(X, Y),
listtran(TX, TY).
%% Exercise 4.6 Write a predicate twice(In,Out) whose left argument is a list,
%% and whose right argument is a list consisting of every element in the left
%% list written twice. For example, the query
%% twice([a,4,buggle],X).
%% should return
%% X = [a,a,4,4,buggle,buggle]).
%% And the query
%% twice([1,2,1,1],X).
%% should return
%% X = [1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1].
%% (Hint: to answer this question, first ask yourself What should happen when
%% the first argument is the empty list?. Thats the base case. For non-empty
%% lists, think about what you should do with the head, and use recursion to
%% handle the tail.)
twice([], []).
twice([X|T1], [X,X|T2]) :-
twice(T1, T2).