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11 KiB

Write You a Forth, 0x06
:date: 2018-02-28 22:55
:tags: wyaf, forth
Lots of updates last night; SLOC-wise, I added a bunch of new definitions:
+ ``DEPTH``, ``.`` and ``.S`` to inspect the stack
+ ``/MOD``, ``*/``, and ``*/MOD``, which required adding some idea of a long
+ ``0<``, ``0=``, ``0>``, ``<``, ``=``, and ``>`` for conditionals
+ ``DUP`` and ``?DUP``
+ the logical operators ``AND``, ``OR``, and ``NEGATE``
+ ``ABS``
+ ``BYE`` moved from an interpreter hack to a defined word
+ ``D+`` and ``D-`` started me off on the concept of double numbers
+ ``DROP``, ``OVER``, and ``ROLL`` are more stack manipulation functions
It's starting to feel a lot like a Forth...
Speaking of SLOC, for shits and grins I decided to see how the code base has
| revision | lines of code | growth | focus | exec size (b) |
| 0x02 | 133 | n/a | starting point | 38368 |
| 0x03 | 245 | 1.8x | parsing | 40920 |
| 0x04 | 369 | 1.5x | stack / numerics | 48736 |
| 0x05 | 677 | 1.8x | initial dictionary | 62896 |
| 0x06 | 1436 | 2.1x | expanding vocabulary | 85256 |
Note that the executable is compiled with ``-O0 -g`` on the
``x86_64-linux-gnu`` target.
It makes sense that expanding the vocabulary is going to be a huge code
expansion. I did do more than that; so, I'm not really going to show most of
the work I did for the new words (a lot of it is repetative and mechanical).
System updates
Before I started expanding the dictionary, though, I made some changes to
the ``System``::
$ git diff HEAD^ system.h
diff --git a/system.h b/system.h
index 00f4a34..91aa1fa 100644
--- a/system.h
+++ b/system.h
@@ -5,11 +5,24 @@
#include "io.h"
#include "stack.h"
+typedef enum _SYS_STATUS : uint8_t {
+ STATUS_OK = 0,
+class Word;
typedef struct _System {
Stack<KF_INT> dstack;
IO *interface;
- struct Word *dict;
+ Word *dict;
+ SYS_STATUS status;
} System;
+void system_clear_error(System *sys);
+void system_write_status(System *sys);
#endif // __KF_CORE_H__
\ No newline at end of file
I've started adding a notion of system state, which I've deliberately kept
separate from the parser state. The new functions aren't particularly
interesting; they just write a string to the ``interface`` field so you
get things like::
$ ./kforth
kforth interpreter
? swap
stack underflow (error code 2).
? what-word?
unknown word (error code 4).
? 2
Note that this is separate from the parser errors::
$ ./kforth
kforth interpreter
parse error: token too long
? unknown word (error code 4).
Though this test does show that the interpreter could be made more robust.
I/O updates
The next thing I did was move the ``write_dstack`` function into ````;
this is needed to implement ``.S``. While I was at it, I decided to make
``write_num`` finally work well and correctly, and I think I've got the final
version done::
write_num(IO *interface, KF_INT n)
char buf[nbuflen];
uint8_t i = nbuflen - 1;
memset(buf, 0, nbuflen);
if (n < 0) {
I'm still not proud of this hack, but it seems to be the best way to deal with
this right now::
else if (n == 0) {
while (n != 0) {
char x = n % 10;
This was the magic that finally got it right: negating the digits as they're
going into the buffer. No more trying to invert the whole number, just each
x = x < 0 ? -x : x;
x += '0';
buf[i--] = x;
n /= 10;
interface->wrbuf(buf+i, nbuflen - i);
My first pass at this wrote the string forwards, then reversed it. I didn't
like that; while performance isn't my first concern, it just seemed like a
fun challenge to get the reversed buffer written correctly.
While I was in the I/O subsystem, I also decided to update the ``IO`` base
class to include a ``newline`` method; I had a few instances of
``interface->wrch('\n')`` sprinkled throughout, but that won't necessarily be
correct elsewhere.
Miscellaneous updates
I add a new definition to the ``defs.h`` files: a ``KF_LONG`` type to prepare
for the double numbers mentioned in the next section, and switched to static
New words!
Finally, I started adding the new words in. I'm still trying to figure out a
good way to handle the address types (I think I'll just introduce a ``KF_ADDR``
type) so I've punted on those for now.
.. _pforth:
.. _gforth:
One of the interesting challenges is dealing with the double numbers. These are
on the stack as a pair of smaller numbers, e.g. if the double number type is 64
bits and the standard number type is 32 bits, then you might see something like
this (via pforth_)::
0 1 0 1 D+
Stack<10> 0 2
So, how to deal with this? There's a ``D.`` word, which I don't have
implemented yet, that will let me see what pforth_ and gforth_ do::
$ pforth -q
Begin AUTO.INIT ------
0 1 D. 1 0 D.
4294967296 1
$ gforth
Gforth 0.7.2, Copyright (C) 1995-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Gforth comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `license'
Type `bye' to exit
0 1 D. 1 0 D. 18446744073709551616 1 ok
So, it looks like the first number on the stack is the low part, and the second
is the high part. This is, once again, pretty straightforward: I'll need to
shift the first number by the appropriate number of bits and then add the
second number to it.
constexpr size_t dshift = (sizeof(KF_INT) * 8) - 1;
static bool
pop_long(System *sys, KF_LONG *d)
KF_INT a = 0;
KF_INT b = 0;
if (!sys->dstack.pop(&a)) {
return false;
if (!sys->dstack.pop(&b)) {
return false;
*d = static_cast<KF_LONG>(a) << dshift;
*d += static_cast<KF_LONG>(b);
sys->status = STATUS_OK;
return true;
This function also shows off the new status work and how that turns out. I've
kept the exec interface as a boolean to indicate success or failure.
To push the results back onto the stack, I needed to first write a masking
function to make sure to clear out any lingering bits::
static inline KF_INT
mask(size_t bits)
KF_INT m = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bits; i++) {
m += 1 << i;
return m;
I should probably check `Hacker's Delight <>`_ to see
if there's any tricks for this.
With the mask available, getting a long into a pair of ints requires shifting
and clearing for the high part and clearing for the low part::
static bool
push_long(System *sys, KF_LONG d)
KF_INT a = static_cast<KF_INT>((d >> dshift) & mask(dshift));
KF_INT b = static_cast<KF_INT>(d & mask(dshift));
if (!sys->dstack.push(b)) {
return false;
if (!sys->dstack.push(a)) {
return false;
sys->status = STATUS_OK;
return true;
One of the words that interacts with doubles is ``D+``::
static bool
dplus(System *sys)
KF_LONG da, db;
if (!pop_long(sys, &da)) {
// Status is already set.
return false;
if (!pop_long(sys, &db)) {
// Status is already set.
return false;
da += db;
if (!push_long(sys, da)) {
// Status is already set.
return false;
// Status is already set.
return true;
The only other thing I really did was to add a ``remove`` method to the Stack
class to support ``ROLL``.
Huge diff, but not as much to say about it --- next up, I think I'm going to
introduce the ``KF_ADDR`` type and start working on some of the address
interaction stuff. I'll also add more of the double number words, too. The
words I still have to implement from the `FORTH-83 standard`_ nuclear layer
+ ``!``, ``+!``, ``@``, ``C!``, ``C@``, ``CMOVE``, ``CMOVE>``, ``COUNT``,
``FILL``: memory manipulation words
+ ``DNEGATE``, ``MAX``, ``MIN``, ``MOD``, ``XOR``: more arithmetic words
+ ``EXECUTE``, ``EXIT``, ``I``, ``J``, ``PICK``: various words
+ ``>R``, ``R>``, ``R@``: return stack words
+ ``U<``, ``UM*``, ``UM/MOD``: unsigned math words
.. _FORTH-83 standard:
As before, the snapshot for this update is tagged `part-0x06