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Write You a Forth, 0x07
:date: 2018-03-01 19:31
:tags: wyaf, forth
At this point, I've finished most of the nucleus layer. All that's left to
implement are ``EXIT``, ``I``, and ``J`` --- the first requires better
execution support, which I'll talk about at the end. The other two, I'm not so
sure about yet.
However, I made some large changes, so let's dive in. Here's the new Linux
definitions file::
#ifndef __KF_LINUX_DEFS_H__
#define __KF_LINUX_DEFS_H__
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef int32_t KF_INT;
typedef uint32_t KF_UINT;
typedef int64_t KF_LONG;
typedef uintptr_t KF_ADDR;
constexpr uint8_t STACK_SIZE = 128;
constexpr size_t ARENA_SIZE = 65535;
I've also updated the main ``defs.h`` file to move some constants there::
#ifndef __KF_DEFS_H__
#define __KF_DEFS_H__
#ifdef __linux__
#include "linux/defs.h"
typedef int KF_INT;
typedef long KF_LONG;
constexpr uint8_t STACK_SIZE = 16;
constexpr size_t MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH = 16;
constexpr size_t dshift = (sizeof(KF_INT) * 8) - 1;
static inline KF_INT
mask(size_t bits)
KF_INT m = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bits; i++) {
m += 1 << i;
return m;
#endif // __KF_DEFS_H__
The first major change is the addition of the ``KF_ADDR`` type. This is needed
to implement the memory manipulation words. I've added some additional utility
functions for pushing and popping addresses from the data stack; they're stored
as double numbers::
static bool
pop_addr(System *sys, KF_ADDR *a)
if (!pop_long(sys, &b)) {
// Status is already set.
return false;
*a = static_cast<KF_ADDR>(b);
sys->status = STATUS_OK;
return true;
static bool
push_addr(System *sys, KF_ADDR a)
KF_LONG b = static_cast<KF_LONG>(a);
if (!push_long(sys, b)) {
// Status is already set.
return false;
sys->status = STATUS_OK;
return true;
Now I can actually implement ``!`` and so forth::
static bool
store(System *sys)
KF_ADDR a = 0; // address
KF_INT b = 0; // value
KF_LONG c = 0; // temporary
if (!pop_long(sys, &c)) {
return false;
a = static_cast<KF_ADDR>(c);
if (!sys->dstack.pop(&b)) {
return false;
*((KF_INT *)a) = b;
sys->status = STATUS_OK;
return true;
There's definitely a sense of finangling here.
The return stack
The ``>R`` series of words requires a return stack, so I've added a
``Stack<KF_ADDR>`` field to the ``System`` structure. The address stack
manipulation functions I introduced earlier only operate on the data stack, so
these require some extra verbosity; for example::
static bool
to_r(System *sys)
if (!sys->dstack.pop(&a)) {
return false;
if (!sys->rstack.push(static_cast<KF_ADDR>(a))) {
return false;
sys->status = STATUS_OK;
return true;
Adding the ``rstack`` field also required adding return stack over- and
underflow status codes.
The arena
As I was reading through the words left to implement, I found I'd have to
implement ``COUNT``. This provides some support for counted strings, which
are implemented as a byte array where the first byte is the length of the
string. In my mind, this has two implications:
1. There needs to be some area of user memory that's available for storing
strings and the like. I've termed this the arena, and it's a field in the
``System`` structure now.
2. There needs to be a Word type for addresses.
So now I have this definition for the ``System`` structure::
typedef struct _System {
Stack<KF_INT> dstack;
Stack<KF_ADDR> rstack;
IO *interface;
Word *dict;
SYS_STATUS status;
uint8_t arena[ARENA_SIZE];
} System;
The ``Address`` type seems like it's easy enough to implement::
class Address : public Word {
~Address() {};
Address(const char *name, size_t namelen, Word *head, KF_ADDR addr);
bool eval(System *);
Word *next(void);
bool match(struct Token *);
void getname(char *, size_t *);
char name[MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH];
size_t namelen;
Word *prev;
KF_ADDR addr;
And the implementation::
Address::Address(const char *name, size_t namelen, Word *head, KF_ADDR addr)
: prev(head), addr(addr)
memcpy(this->name, name, namelen);
this->namelen = namelen;
Address::eval(System *sys)
a = static_cast<KF_INT>(this->addr & mask(dshift));
if (!sys->dstack.push(a)) {
return false;
a = static_cast<KF_INT>((this->addr >> dshift) & mask(dshift));
if (!sys->dstack.push(a)) {
return false;
return true;
Word *
return this->prev;
Address::match(struct Token *token)
return match_token(this->name, this->namelen, token->token, token->length);
Address::getname(char *buf, size_t *buflen)
memcpy(buf, this->name, this->namelen);
*buflen = namelen;
It's kind of cool to see this at work::
$ ./kforth
kforth interpreter
? arena drop 2+ 0 @ .
? arena drop 2+ 0 4 rot rot ! .
stack underflow (error code 2).
? arena drop 2+ 0 @ .
Unsigned numbers
This is really just a bunch of casting::
static bool
u_dot(System *sys)
if (!sys->dstack.pop(&a)) {
return false;
b = static_cast<KF_UINT>(a);
write_unum(sys->interface, b);
sys->status = STATUS_OK;
return true;
Implementing ``execute`` was fun, but it begins to highlight the limits of my
approach so far.
EXECUTE addr -- 79
The word definition indicated by addr is executed. An error
condition exists if addr is not a compilation address
For example::
(gdb) break 83
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4077cf: file, line 83.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/kyle/code/kforth/kforth
Breakpoint 1, main () at
83 Console interface;
(gdb) p sys.dict->next()->next()->next()->next()
$1 = (Word *) 0x7e45b0
(gdb) p (Builtin) *sys.dict->next()->next()->next()->next()
$2 = {<Word> = {_vptr$Word = 0x55f220 <vtable for Builtin+16>}, name = "+", '\000' <repeats 14 times>, namelen = 1, prev = 0x7e4570,
fun = 0x406eb0 <add(_System*)>}
(gdb) p/u 0x7e45b0
$3 = 8275376
(gdb) c
kforth interpreter
? 2 3 8275376 0 execute .
executing word: +
In case the ``gdb`` example wasn't clear, I printed the address of the fourth
entry in the dictionary, which happens to be ``+``. I push the numbers 2 and 3
onto the stack, then push the address of ``+`` on the stack, then call execute.
As the dot function shows, it executes correctly, pushing the resulting 5 onto
the stack. Which leads me to the next section, wherein I need to rethink the
execution model.
The execution model
In most of the Forth implementations I've, the dictionary is a list of
contiguous pointers to words. That is, something like::
Word *dict[ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
dict[0] = new Builtin((const char *)"+", 1, add);
dict[1] = new Builtin((const char *)"-", 1, sub);
And so forth. Or, maybe,
Word dict[ARRAY_SIZE] = {
Builtin((const char *)"+", 1, add),
Builtin((const char *)"-", 1, sub)
So some questions:
+ How big should this array be?
+ How do I handle different word types?
+ How do I transfer execution to functions?
I'm thinking something like:
+ the parser looks up a word, and pushes the parser function's address onto the
return stack.
+ the parser jumps to the word's function pointer and executes it.
+ the function pointer jumps back to the last address on the return stack.
The second step could involve chaining multiple functions in there. I don't
know how to transfer execution to a random address in memory (maybe ``setjmp``
and ``longjmp``), or how I'm going to push the current word's address onto the
stack. I guess include some sort of additional fields in the system type.
This starts to jump into the realm of an operating system or virtual machine;
the OS approach makes more sense for embedded system.
The parser is also going to need some updating to handle strings.
As before, the code for this update is tagged in `part-0x07 <>`_.