34 lines
1.2 KiB
34 lines
1.2 KiB
import copy
import logging
class Action:
def __init__(self, pos_precond, neg_precond, retracts, updates):
self.pos_precond = copy.deepcopy(pos_precond)
self.neg_precond = copy.deepcopy(neg_precond)
self.retracts = copy.deepcopy(retracts)
self.updates = copy.deepcopy(updates)
def satisfied(self, kb, subject, obj):
for fact in self.pos_precond:
if not kb.ask(kb.subst(fact, subject, obj)):
logging.warning('{} is not valid in the current knowledgebase'.format(fact))
return False
for fact in self.neg_precond:
if kb.ask(kb.subst(fact, subject, obj)):
logging.warning('{} is valid in the current knowledgebase'.format(fact))
return False
return True
def perform(self, kb, subject, obj):
if not self.satisfied(kb, subject, obj):
return None
kbprime = copy.deepcopy(kb)
for retraction in self.retracts:
kbprime.retract(kb.subst(retraction, subject, obj))
for update in self.updates:
kbprime.tell(kb.subst(update, subject, obj))
return kbprime