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# Chapter 1
## Efficiency
1. Number of operations
2. Processor speeds
3. Storage space
## Interfaces
* Interface / abstract data type
### Queue interface
* `add(x)` (aka `queue`): add `x` to the queue
* `remove()` (aka `dequeue`): remove the next value from queue and return it
* Normal queue: the first element inserted is removed first
* Priority queue: elements are inserted with a priority, and the smallest
element is removed. This function is usually called `deleteMin`.
* LIFO queue: a stack; add and remove are called `push` and `pop`.
* Deque: generalisation of these
* `addFirst(x)`
* `removeFirst(x)`
* `addLast(x)`
* `removeLast(x)`
* Stack: addFirst, removeFirst
* Queue: addLast, removeFirst
### List interface
The List interface subsumes the Queue interface. A list is just a sequence of
values, and a Queue becomes a special case of it.
* size()
* get(i): get i'th element
* set(i, x): set the i'th element to x
* add(i, x): insert x at position i
* remove(i): remove the i'th element
### USet (unordered sets)
USets are a collection of unique items in no particular order; this mimics a
mathematical set.
* `size()`: returns the number of elements in the set
* `add(x)`: add x to the set if it doesn't already exist
* `remove(x)`: remove x from the set if it doesn't already exist
* `find(y)`: membership test
Note that y and x may be distinct objects, and only need to satisfy an
equality test. For example, a dictionary or hashmap is created using a tuple
`(key, value)`; `find` compares on `key` and two objects are considered equal
if their keys match.
### SSet (sorted set)
A USet where order matters. Its interface only changes in the `find` function:
* `find(x)`: find the smallest y s.t. y >= x. thereby returning a useful value
even if x isn't in the set. AKA successor search.
Difference between USet and SSet