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.. _quaternion-docs:
.. highlight:: c++
Examples taken from the unit tests::
TEST(Quaterniond, Rotate)
// This test aims to rotate a vector v using a quaternion.
// c.f. https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/40164/
// If we assume a standard IMU frame of reference following the
// right hand rule:
// + The x axis points toward magnetic north
// + The y axis points toward magnentic east
// + The z axis points toward the sky
// Given a vector pointing due north, rotating by 90º about
// the y-axis should leave us pointing toward the sky.
geom::Vector3d v {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}; // a vector pointed north
geom::Vector3d yAxis {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}; // a vector representing the y axis.
double angle = M_PI / 2; // 90º rotation
// A quaternion representing a 90º rotation about the y axis.
geom::Quaterniond p = geom::quaterniond(yAxis, angle);
geom::Vector3d vr {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; // expected rotated vector.
// A rotation quaternion should be a unit quaternion.
EXPECT_EQ(p.rotate(v), vr);
TEST(Quaterniond, ShortestSLERP)
// Our starting point is an orientation that is yawed 45° - our
// orientation is pointed π/4 radians in the X axis.
geom::Quaterniond p {0.382683, 0, 0, 0.92388};
// Our ending point is an orientation that is yawed -45° - or
// pointed -π/4 radians in the X axis.
geom::Quaterniond q {-0.382683, 0, 0, 0.92388};
// The halfway point should be oriented midway about the X axis. It turns
// out this is an identity quaternion.
geom::Quaterniond r;
EXPECT_EQ(geom::ShortestSLERP(p, q, 0.0), p);
EXPECT_EQ(geom::ShortestSLERP(p, q, 1.0), q);
EXPECT_EQ(geom::ShortestSLERP(p, q, 0.5), r);
TEST(Quaterniond, ShortestSLERP2)
// Start with an orientation pointing forward, all Euler angles
// set to 0.
geom::Quaterniond start {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
// The goal is to end up face up, or 90º pitch (still facing forward).
geom::Quaterniond end {0, -0.707107, 0, 0.707107};
// Halfway to the endpoint should be a 45º pitch.
geom::Quaterniond halfway {0, -0.382683, 0, 0.92388 };
// 2/3 of the way should be 60º pitch.
geom::Quaterniond twoThirds {0, -0.5, 0, 0.866025};
EXPECT_EQ(ShortestSLERP(start, end, 0.0), start);
EXPECT_EQ(ShortestSLERP(start, end, 1.0), end);
EXPECT_EQ(ShortestSLERP(start, end, 0.5), halfway);
EXPECT_EQ(ShortestSLERP(start, end, 2.0/3.0), twoThirds);
.. doxygenclass:: wr::geom::Quaternion