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/// quaternion.h contains an implementation of quaternions suitable
/// for navigation in R3.
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
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#include <scmp/Math.h>
#include <scmp/geom/Vector.h>
/// math contains the shimmering clarity math library.
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namespace scmp {
/// geom contains geometric classes and functions.
namespace geom {
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/// @brief Quaternions provide a representation of Orientation and rotations
/// in three dimensions.
/// Quaternions encode rotations in three-dimensional space. While technically
/// a quaternion is comprised of a real element and a complex vector<3>, for
/// the purposes of this library, it is modeled as a floating point 4D vector
/// of the form <w, x, y, z>, where x, y, and z represent an axis of rotation in
/// R3 and w the angle, in radians, of the rotation about that axis. Where Euler
/// angles are concerned, the ZYX (or yaw, pitch, roll) sequence is used.
/// For information on the underlying vector type, see the documentation for
/// wr::geom::Vector.
/// The constructors are primarily intended for intended operations; in practice,
/// the quaternionf() and quaterniond() functions are more useful for constructing
/// quaternions from vectors and angles.
/// Like vectors, quaternions carry an internal tolerance value ε that is used for
/// floating point comparisons. The math namespace contains the default values
/// used for this; generally, a tolerance of 0.0001 is considered appropriate for
/// the uses of this library. The tolerance can be explicitly set with the
/// setEpsilon method.
template<typename T>
class Quaternion {
/// The default Quaternion constructor returns an identity quaternion.
Quaternion() : v(Vector<T, 3>{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}), w(1.0)
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/// A Quaternion may be initialised with a Vector<T, 3> axis of rotation
/// and an angle of rotation. This doesn't do the angle transforms to simplify
/// internal operations.
/// @param _axis A three-dimensional vector of the same type as the Quaternion.
/// @param _angle The angle of rotation about the axis of rotation.
Quaternion(Vector<T, 3> _axis, T _angle) : v(_axis), w(_angle)
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/// A Quaternion may be initialised with a Vector<T, 4> comprised of
/// the axis of rotation followed by the angle of rotation.
/// @param vector A vector in the form <w, x, y, z>.
Quaternion(Vector<T, 4> vector) :
v(Vector<T, 3>{vector[1], vector[2], vector[3]}),
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/// A Quaternion may be constructed with an initializer list of
/// type T, which must have exactly N elements.
/// @param ilst An initial set of values in the form <w, x, y, z>.
Quaternion(std::initializer_list<T> ilst)
auto it = ilst.begin();
this->v = Vector<T, 3>{it[1], it[2], it[3]};
this->w = it[0];
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/// Set the comparison tolerance for this quaternion.
/// @param epsilon A tolerance value.
setEpsilon(T epsilon)
this->eps = epsilon;
/// Return the axis of rotation of this quaternion.
/// @return The axis of rotation of this quaternion.
Vector<T, 3>
axis() const
return this->v;
/// Return the angle of rotation of this quaternion.
/// @return the angle of rotation of this quaternion.
angle() const
return this->w;
/// Compute the dot product of two quaternions.
/// \param other Another quaternion.
/// \return The dot product between the two quaternions.
dot(const Quaternion<T> &other) const
double innerProduct = this->v[0] * other.v[0];
innerProduct += (this->v[1] * other.v[1]);
innerProduct += (this->v[2] * other.v[2]);
innerProduct += (this->w * other.w);
return innerProduct;
/// Compute the norm of a quaternion. Treating the Quaternion as a
/// Vector<T, 4>, it's the same as computing the magnitude.
/// @return A non-negative real number.
norm() const
T n = 0;
n += (this->v[0] * this->v[0]);
n += (this->v[1] * this->v[1]);
n += (this->v[2] * this->v[2]);
n += (this->w * this->w);
return std::sqrt(n);
/// Return the unit quaternion.
/// \return The unit quaternion.
return *this / this->norm();
/// Compute the conjugate of a quaternion.
/// @return The conjugate of this quaternion.
conjugate() const
return Quaternion(Vector<T, 4>{this->w, -this->v[0], -this->v[1], -this->v[2]});
/// Compute the inverse of a quaternion.
/// @return The inverse of this quaternion.
inverse() const
T _norm = this->norm();
return this->conjugate() / (_norm * _norm);
/// Determine whether this is an identity quaternion.
/// \return true if this is an identity quaternion.
isIdentity() const {
return this->v.isZero() &&
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scmp::WithinTolerance(this->w, (T)1.0, this->eps);
/// Determine whether this is a unit quaternion.
/// @return true if this is a unit quaternion.
isUnitQuaternion() const
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return scmp::WithinTolerance(this->norm(), (T) 1.0, this->eps);
/// Return the quaternion as a Vector<T, 4>, with the axis of rotation
/// followed by the angle of rotation.
/// @return A vector representation of the quaternion.
Vector<T, 4>
asVector() const
return Vector<T, 4>{this->w, this->v[0], this->v[1], this->v[2]};
/// Rotate vector vr about this quaternion.
/// @param vr The vector to be rotated.
/// @return The rotated vector.
Vector<T, 3>
rotate(Vector<T, 3> vr) const
return (this->conjugate() * vr * (*this)).axis();
/// Return the Euler angles for this quaternion as a vector of
/// <yaw, pitch, roll>. Users of this function should watch out
/// for gimbal lock.
/// @return A vector<T, 3> containing <yaw, pitch, roll>
Vector<T, 3>
euler() const
T yaw, pitch, roll;
T a = this->w, a2 = a * a;
T b = this->v[0], b2 = b * b;
T c = this->v[1], c2 = c * c;
T d = this->v[2], d2 = d * d;
yaw = std::atan2(2 * ((a * b) + (c * d)), a2 - b2 - c2 + d2);
pitch = std::asin(2 * ((b * d) - (a * c)));
roll = std::atan2(2 * ((a * d) + (b * c)), a2 + b2 - c2 - d2);
return Vector<T, 3>{yaw, pitch, roll};
/// Perform quaternion addition with another quaternion.
/// @param other The quaternion to be added with this one.
/// @return The result of adding the two quaternions together.
operator+(const Quaternion<T> &other) const
return Quaternion(this->v + other.v, this->w + other.w);
/// Perform quaternion subtraction with another quaternion.
/// @param other The quaternion to be subtracted from this one.
/// @return The result of subtracting the other quaternion from this one.
operator-(const Quaternion<T> &other) const
return Quaternion(this->v - other.v, this->w - other.w);
/// Perform scalar multiplication.
/// @param k The scaling value.
/// @return A scaled quaternion.
operator*(const T k) const
return Quaternion(this->v * k, this->w * k);
/// Perform scalar division.
/// @param k The scalar divisor.
/// @return A scaled quaternion.
operator/(const T k) const
return Quaternion(this->v / k, this->w / k);
/// Perform quaternion Hamilton multiplication with a three-
/// dimensional vector; this is done by treating the vector
/// as a pure quaternion (e.g. with an angle of rotation of 0).
/// @param vector The vector to multiply with this quaternion.
/// @return The Hamilton product of the quaternion and vector.
operator*(const Vector<T, 3> &vector) const
return Quaternion(vector * this->w + this->v.cross(vector),
(T) 0.0);
/// Perform quaternion Hamilton multiplication.
/// @param other The other quaternion to multiply with this one.
/// @result The Hamilton product of the two quaternions.
operator*(const Quaternion<T> &other) const
T angle = (this->w * other.w) -
(this->v * other.v);
Vector<T, 3> axis = (other.v * this->w) +
(this->v * other.w) +
return Quaternion(axis, angle);
/// Perform quaternion equality checking.
/// @param other The quaternion to check equality against.
/// @return True if the two quaternions are equal within their tolerance.
operator==(const Quaternion<T> &other) const
return (this->v == other.v) &&
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(scmp::WithinTolerance(this->w, other.w, this->eps));
/// Perform quaternion inequality checking.
/// @param other The quaternion to check inequality against.
/// @return True if the two quaternions are unequal within their tolerance.
operator!=(const Quaternion<T> &other) const
return !(*this == other);
/// Support stream output of a quaternion in the form `a + <i, j, k>`.
/// \todo improve the formatting.
/// @param outs An output stream
/// @param q A quaternion
/// @return The output stream
friend std::ostream &
operator<<(std::ostream &outs, const Quaternion<T> &q)
outs << q.w << " + " << q.v;
return outs;
static constexpr T minRotation = -4 * M_PI;
static constexpr T maxRotation = 4 * M_PI;
Vector<T, 3> v; // axis of rotation
T w; // angle of rotation
T eps;
if (this->w < 0.0) {
this->w = std::fmod(this->w, this->minRotation);
else {
this->w = std::fmod(this->w, this->maxRotation);
/// \defgroup quaternion_aliases Quaternion type aliases.
/// Type aliases are provided for float and double quaternions.
/// \ingroup quaternion_aliases
/// Type alias for a float Quaternion.
typedef Quaternion<float> Quaternionf;
/// \ingroup quaternion_aliases
/// Type alias for a double Quaternion.
typedef Quaternion<double> Quaterniond;
/// Return a float quaternion scaled appropriately from a vector and angle,
/// e.g. angle = cos(angle / 2), axis.unitVector() * sin(angle / 2).
/// @param axis The axis of rotation.
/// @param angle The angle of rotation.
/// @return A quaternion.
/// @relatesalso Quaternion
Quaternionf quaternionf(Vector3f axis, float angle);
/// Return a double quaternion scaled appropriately from a vector and angle,
/// e.g. angle = cos(angle / 2), axis.unitVector() * sin(angle / 2).
/// @param axis The axis of rotation.
/// @param angle The angle of rotation.
/// @return A quaternion.
/// @relatesalso Quaternion
Quaterniond quaterniond(Vector3d axis, double angle);
/// Return a double quaternion scaled appropriately from a vector and angle,
/// e.g. angle = cos(angle / 2), axis.unitVector() * sin(angle / 2).
/// @param axis The axis of rotation.
/// @param angle The angle of rotation.
/// @return A quaternion.
/// @relatesalso Quaternion
template <typename T>
quaternion(Vector<T, 3> axis, T angle)
return Quaternion<T>(axis.unitVector() * std::sin(angle / (T)2.0),
std::cos(angle / (T)2.0));
/// Given a vector of Euler angles in ZYX sequence (e.g. yaw, pitch, roll),
/// return a quaternion.
/// @param euler A vector Euler angle in ZYX sequence.
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/// @return A Quaternion representation of the Orientation represented
/// by the Euler angles.
/// @relatesalso Quaternion
Quaternionf quaternionf_from_euler(Vector3f euler);
/// Given a vector of Euler angles in ZYX sequence (e.g. yaw, pitch, roll),
/// return a quaternion.
/// @param euler A vector Euler angle in ZYX sequence.
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/// @return A Quaternion representation of the Orientation represented
/// by the Euler angles.
/// @relatesalso Quaternion
Quaterniond quaterniond_from_euler(Vector3d euler);
/// LERP computes the linear interpolation of two quaternions at some
/// fraction of the distance between them.
/// \tparam T
/// \param p The starting quaternion.
/// \param q The ending quaternion.
/// \param t The fraction of the distance between the two quaternions to
/// interpolate.
/// \return A Quaternion representing the linear interpolation of the
/// two quaternions.
template <typename T>
LERP(Quaternion<T> p, Quaternion<T> q, T t)
return (p + (q - p) * t).unitQuaternion();
/// ShortestSLERP computes the shortest distance spherical linear
/// interpolation between two quaternions at some fraction of the
/// distance between them.
/// \tparam T
/// \param p The starting quaternion.
/// \param q The ending quaternion.Short
/// \param t The fraction of the distance between the two quaternions
/// to interpolate.
/// \return A Quaternion representing the shortest path between two
/// quaternions.
template <typename T>
ShortestSLERP(Quaternion<T> p, Quaternion<T> q, T t)
T dp =;
T sign = dp < 0.0 ? -1.0 : 1.0;
T omega = std::acos(dp * sign);
T sin_omega = std::sin(omega); // Compute once.
if (dp > 0.99999) {
return LERP(p, q * sign, t);
return (p * std::sin((1.0 - t) * omega) / sin_omega) +
(q * sign * std::sin(omega*t) / sin_omega);
/// Run a quick self test to exercise basic functionality of the Quaternion
/// class to verify correct operation. Note that if \#NDEBUG is defined, the
/// self test is disabled.
void Quaternion_SelfTest();
} // namespace geom
} // namespace wr