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/// math.h provides certain useful mathematical functions.
#ifndef SCCCL_MATH_H
#define SCCCL_MATH_H
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
2023-10-19 06:57:50 +00:00
namespace scmp {
// MAX_RADIAN is a precomputed 2 * M_PI, and MIN_RADIAN is -2 * M_PI.
constexpr double MAX_RADIAN = 2 * M_PI;
constexpr double MIN_RADIAN = -2 * M_PI;
constexpr double POS_HALF_RADIAN = M_PI / 2;
constexpr double NEG_HALF_RADIAN = -(M_PI / 2);
/// Roll m die of n sides, returning a vector of the dice.
std::vector<int> Die(int m, int n);
/// Roll m die of n sides, returning the total of the die.
int DieTotal(int m, int n);
/// Roll m die of n sides, and take the total of the top k die.
int BestDie(int k, int m, int n);
/// Convert radians to degrees.
/// @param rads the angle in radians
/// @return the angle in degrees.
float RadiansToDegreesF(float rads);
/// Convert radians to degrees.
/// @param rads the angle in radians
/// @return the angle in degrees.
double RadiansToDegreesD(double rads);
/// Convert degrees to radians.
/// @param degrees the angle in degrees
/// @return the angle in radians.
float DegreesToRadiansF(float degrees);
/// Convert degrees to radians.
/// @param degrees the angle in degrees
/// @return the angle in radians.
double DegreesToRadiansD(double degrees);
/// RotateRadians rotates theta0 by theta1 radians, wrapping the result to
/// MIN_RADIAN <= result <= MAX_RADIAN.
double RotateRadians(double theta0, double theta1);
/// Get the default epsilon value.
/// @param epsilon The variable to store the epsilon value in.
void DefaultEpsilon(double &epsilon);
/// Get the default epsilon value.
/// @param epsilon The variable to store the epsilon value in.
void DefaultEpsilon(float &epsilon);
/// Return whether the two values of type T are equal to within some tolerance.
/// @tparam T The type of value
/// @param a A value of type T used as the left-hand side of an equality check.
/// @param b A value of type T used as the right-hand side of an equality check.
/// @param epsilon The tolerance value.
/// @return Whether the two values are "close enough" to be considered equal.
template <typename T>
static T
WithinTolerance(T a, T b, T epsilon)
return std::abs(a - b) < epsilon;
2023-10-19 07:37:56 +00:00
} // namespace scmp
#endif //SCCCL_MATH_H