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/// \file Buffer.h
/// \author K. Isom <>
/// \date 2023-10-09
/// \brief Buffer implements basic line buffers.
/// Buffer implements a basic uint8_t line buffer that is intended for use in text
/// editing. It allocates memory in powers of two, and will grow or shrink
/// as needed.
#ifndef KGE_BUFFER_H
#define KGE_BUFFER_H
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
namespace klib {
/// Buffer is a basic line buffer.
/// The buffer manages its own internal memory, growing and shrinking
/// as needed. Its capacity is separate from its length; the optimal
/// capacity is determined as the nearest power of two that is greater
/// than the length of the buffer. For example, if the buffer has a
/// length of 5 bytes, 8 bytes will be allocated. If the buffer is 9
/// bytes, 16 bytes will be allocated.
/// The #Append and #Insert methods will call #Resize as necessary to grow
/// the buffer. Similarly the #Remove methods will call #Trim to reclaim some
/// memory if possible, but only if #AutoTrimIsEnabled (it is by default).
class Buffer {
/// A Buffer can be constructed empty, with no memory allocated (yet).
/// A Buffer can be constructed with an explicit capacity.
/// \param initialCapacity The initial allocation size for the buffer.
explicit Buffer(size_t initialCapacity);
/// A Buffer can be initialized with a starting C-style string.
explicit Buffer(const char *s);
/// A Buffer can be initialized with a starting string.
explicit Buffer(const std::string s);
{ this->Reclaim(); }
/// Contents returns the Buffer's contents.
uint8_t *Contents() const
{ return this->contents; }
/// Length returns the length of the data currently stored in the
/// buffer.
size_t Length() const
{ return this->length; };
/// Capacity returns the amount of memory allocated to the Buffer.
size_t Capacity() const
{ return this->capacity; }
/// Append copies in a C-style string to the end of the buffer.
/// \param s The string to append.
/// \return True if the Buffer was resized.
bool Append(const char *s);
/// Append copies in a string to the end of the buffer.
/// \param s The string to append.
/// \return True if the Buffer was resized.
bool Append(const std::string s);
/// Append copies in a byte buffer to the end of the buffer.
/// \param data The byte buffer to insert.
/// \param datalen The length of the byte buffer.
/// \return True if the Buffer was resized.
bool Append(const uint8_t *data, const size_t datalen);
/// Append copies a single character to the end of the buffer.
/// \param c The character to append.
/// \return True if the Buffer was resized.
bool Append(const uint8_t c);
/// Insert copies a C-style string into the buffer at index.
/// \param index The index to insert the string at.
/// \param s The string to insert.
/// \return True if the Buffer was resized.
bool Insert(const size_t index, const char *s);
/// Insert copies a string into the buffer at index.
/// \param index The index the string should be inserted at.
/// \param s The string to insert.
/// \return True if the Buffer was resized.
bool Insert(const size_t index, const std::string s);
/// Insert copies a uint8_t buffer into the buffer at index.
/// \param index The index to insert the buffer at.
/// \param data The buffer to insert.
/// \param datalen The size of the data buffer.
/// \return True if the Buffer was resized.
Insert(const size_t index, const uint8_t *data, const size_t datalen);
/// Insert copies a character into the buffer at index.
/// \param index The index to insert the character at.
/// \param c The character to insert.
/// \return True if the Buffer was resized.
bool Insert(const size_t index, const uint8_t c);
/// Remove removes `count` bytes from the buffer at `index`.
/// \param index The starting index to remove bytes from.
/// \param count The number of bytes to remove.
/// \return True if the Buffer was resized.
bool Remove(const size_t index, const size_t count);
/// Remove removes a single byte from the buffer.
/// \param index The index pointing to the byte to be removed.
/// \return True if the Buffer was resized.
bool Remove(size_t index); // remove single char
/* memory management */
/// Resize changes the capacity of the buffer to `newCapacity`.
/// If newCapacity is less than the length of the Buffer, it
/// will remove enough bytes from the end to make this happen.
/// \param newCapacity The new capacity for the Buffer.
void Resize(size_t newCapacity);
/// Trim will resize the Buffer to an appropriate size based on
/// its length.
/// \return The new capacity of the Buffer.
size_t Trim();
/// DisableAutoTrim prevents the #Buffer from automatically
/// trimming memory after a call to #Remove.
void DisableAutoTrim()
{ this->autoTrim = false; }
/// EnableAutoTrim enables automatically trimming memory after
/// calls to #Remove.
void EnableAutoTrim()
{ this->autoTrim = true; }
/// AutoTrimIsEnabled returns true if autotrim is enabled.
/// \return #Remove will call Trim.
bool AutoTrimIsEnabled()
{ return this->autoTrim; }
/// Clear removes the data stored in the buffer. It will not
/// call #Trim; the capacity of the buffer will not be altered.
void Clear();
/// Reclaim the memory in the buffer: the buffer will call #Clear,
/// followed by deleting any allocated memory.
void Reclaim();
/// HexDump dumps the data in the buffer to the output stream;
/// it is intended as a debugging tool.
/// \param os The output stream to write to.
void HexDump(std::ostream &os);
/// This operator allows the data in the buffer to be accessed
/// as if it were an array. If the index is out of bounds, it
/// will throw a range_error.
/// \throws std::range_error.
/// \param index The index to retrieve.
/// \return
uint8_t &operator[](size_t index);
/// Two buffers are equal if their lengths are the same and
/// their contents are the same. Equality is irrespective of
/// their capacities.
friend bool operator==(const Buffer &lhs, const Buffer &rhs);
size_t mustGrow(size_t delta) const;
bool shiftRight(size_t offset, size_t delta);
bool shiftLeft(size_t offset, size_t delta);
uint8_t *contents;
size_t length;
size_t capacity;
bool autoTrim;
/// The << operator is overloaded to write out the contents of the Buffer.
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Buffer &buf);
/// Two Buffers are not equal if their lengths differ or if their contents
/// differ.
inline bool operator!=(const Buffer &lhs, const Buffer &rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); };
} // namespace klib
#endif // KGE_BUFFER_H