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Title: Stream 0x03 Slug: stream-0x03 Date: 2022-03-01 Modified: 2022-03-01 Category: Tags: stream Authors: kyle Summary: Stream notes for tonight's stream. Status: draft
Tonight's work focused on adding in a mirror between local storage and a remote S3 (Minio) instance. The basic flow goes something like:
- Fetch the object described
- Store the object locally
- Throw the object ID onto the work queue
- The work queue pulls an item off the queue.
- Load the object from local storage.
- If there's no error, go look for the next item.
- If the job doesn't have a backoff set, initialize a new backoff.
- Launch a goroutine that waits as long as the backoff says before putting the item back on the work queue.
Next stream (2021/03/03), we'll look at designing the artifact, maybe working on some of the protobuf definitions.
- cloudflare/backoff - software I wrote at a previous job.