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Chapter 6: More lists


append(L1, L2, L3) ⇒ K3 ← L1 + L2


append([], L, L).
append([H|T], L2, [H|L3]) :- append(T, L2, L3).

[This] illustrates a more general theme: the use of unification to build structure. In a nutshell, the recursive calls to append/3 build up this nested pattern of variables which code up the required answer. When Prolog finally instantiates the innermost variable _G593 to [1, 2, 3], the answer crystallises out, like a snowflake forming around a grain of dust. But it is unification, not magic, that produces the result.

The most obvious use is concatenation; but we can build other predicates, too:

prefix(P, L) :- append(P, _, L).
suffix(S, L) :- append(_, S, L).

We can generate sublists: the text notes that the sublists are the suffixes of the prefixes of the list. In retrospect, it makes sense. This can be defined as

sublists(SubL, L) :- suffix(S, L), prefix(SubL, S).

Reversing a list

append/3 isn't always what we want and is pretty inefficient. For example, if we want to reverse a list using the following recursive definition:

  1. Reversing the empty list returns the empty list.
  2. Otherwise, given [H|T], return [reverse(T)|[H]]
reverse([], []).
reverse([H|T], R) :- reverse(T, RevT), append(RevT, [H], R).

If a trace is run on a call, it's apparent it's doing a lot of extra work. For example, given reverse([a, b, c, d, e], R), 12 calls are made to reverse and 30 calls to append.