update idea settings

This commit is contained in:
Kyle Isom 2023-10-19 01:12:40 -07:00
parent 4c8f7361b5
commit 146ccc71f3
2 changed files with 4 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -1,29 +1,7 @@
<component name="ProjectCodeStyleConfiguration">
<code_scheme name="Project" version="173">
<option name="FUNCTION_BRACE_PLACEMENT" value="2" />
<pair source="cc" header="h" fileNamingConvention="PASCAL_CASE" />
<pair source="c" header="h" fileNamingConvention="NONE" />
<pair source="cu" header="cuh" fileNamingConvention="NONE" />
<pair source="ixx" header="" fileNamingConvention="NONE" />
<pair source="mxx" header="" fileNamingConvention="NONE" />
<pair source="cppm" header="" fileNamingConvention="NONE" />
<pair source="ccm" header="" fileNamingConvention="NONE" />
<pair source="cxxm" header="" fileNamingConvention="NONE" />
<pair source="c++m" header="" fileNamingConvention="NONE" />
<codeStyleSettings language="ObjectiveC">
<option name="ALIGN_GROUP_FIELD_DECLARATIONS" value="true" />
<option name="INDENT_SIZE" value="8" />
<option name="CONTINUATION_INDENT_SIZE" value="4" />
<option name="TAB_SIZE" value="8" />
<option name="USE_TAB_CHARACTER" value="true" />
<option name="ENABLED" value="true" />

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<component name="ProjectCodeStyleConfiguration">
<option name="PREFERRED_PROJECT_CODE_STYLE" value="Project copy" />
<option name="USE_PER_PROJECT_SETTINGS" value="true" />