
6.2 KiB


Version: 1.0.2

Date: 2016-01-28

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Getting and Building the Source
  • Library Overview
  • The Hash interface
  • The SHA256 class
  • The HMAC class
  • Miscellaneous functions
  • Test Programs
  • References


This library is an MIT-licensed compact HMAC-SHA-256 C++11 library designed for embedded systems. It is built following the JPL Power of Ten rules.

This library came about as a result of a need for a standalone SHA-256 library for an embedded system. The original goal was to implement a wrapper around the code extracted from RFC 6234; instead a standalone implementation was decided on.

Additional resources:

Getting and Building the Source

The source code is available via Github; each version should be git tagged. :

git clone https://github.com/kisom/libemsha
git clone git@github.com:kisom/libemsha

The current release is 1.0.0.

The project is built using Autotools and make.

When building from a git checkout, the [autobuild]{.title-ref} script will bootstrap the project from the autotools sources (e.g. via autoreconf -i), run configurei (by default to use clang), and attempt to build the library and run the unit tests.

Once the autotools infrastructure has been bootstrapped, the following should work: :

./configure && make && make check && make install

There are three flags to configure that might be useful:

  • --disable-hexstring disables the provided hexstring function; while this might be useful in many cases, it also adds extra size to the code.
  • --disable-hexlut disables the larger lookup table used by hexstring, which can save around a kilobyte of program space. If the hexstring function is disabled, this option has no effect.
  • --disable-selftest disables the internal self-tests, which can reclaim some additional program space.

Library Overview

The package provides a pair of classes, :cppSHA256{.interpreted-text role="class"} and :cppHMAC{.interpreted-text role="class"}, that both satisfy a common interface :cppHash{.interpreted-text role="class"}. All functionality provided by this library is found under the emsha namespace.


The EMSHA_RESULT enum is used to convey the result of an operation. The possible values are:

// All operations have completed successfully so far.

// A self test or unit test failed.

// A null pointer was passed in as a buffer where it
// shouldn't have been.

// The Hash is in an invalid state.

// The input to SHA256::update is too large.

// The self tests have been disabled, but a self test
// function was called.

As a convenience, the following typedef is also provided.

typedef enum _EMSHA_RESULT_ :cppEMSHA_RESULT{.interpreted-text role="type"}

The Hash interface

In general, a [Hash]{.title-ref} is used along the lines of: :

hash_single_pass(uint8_t *m, uint32_t ml, uint8_t *digest)
        // Depending on the implementation, the constructor may need
        // arguments.
        emsha::Hash         h;
        emsha::EMSHA_RESULT res;

        res = h.write(m, ml);
        if (emsha::EMSHA_ROK != res) {
                return res;

        // digest will contain the output of the Hash, and the
        // caller MUST ensure that there is enough space in
        // the buffer.
        return h.result(d);


The SHA256 class

The HMAC class

Miscellaneous functions

Test Programs

Running make check builds and runs the test programs. These are:

  • emsha_core_test runs the core tests.
  • emsha_sha256_test runs test vectors on the SHA-256 code.
  • emsha_hmac_test runs test vectors on the HMAC code.

Additionally, the following test programs are built but not run. These programs do not link with the library as the above programs do; instead, they compile the object files in to avoid the libtool dance before the library is installed.

  • emsha_mem_test and emsha_static_mem_test are for memory profiling (e.g., with Valgrind during development.
  • emsha_static_sha256_test and emsha_static_hmac_test are used to facilitate testing and debugging the library. These programs run the same tests as the emsha_sha256_test and emsha_hmac_test programs.

Core Tests

There are three tests run in the core tests: a hexstring test (if support is built in) and the constant time check. The constant time test does not validate that the function is constant time, only that it correctly verifies that two byte arrays are equal.

SHA-256 Tests

The SHA-256 checks take a number of test vectors from the Go standard library's SHA-256 library.

HMAC Tests

The HMAC checks apply the RFC 4231 test vectors to the HMAC code.



  1. This library came about after extracting the relevant C code from RFC 6234, and needing a C++ version. It draws heavy inspiration from that code base. ↩︎